She sighed.
She huffed.
She groaned.
She moaned.
She complained.
She whined.
She made all sorts of sounds. She was not happy.
Tieya tugged at a particularly nasty knot in her hair, and she winced, biting her lip to keep from crying out. She was the empress, dammit, and the empress couldn't just cry out at every little thing.
But it hurt.
She was so sore.
From all the sex the night before and the lack of sleep. And then she was tired. Because of the lack of sleep. And grouchy. Because. Of all of it.
And her hair was being tortured by Tieya's brush.
She groaned again.
Tieya sighed, shaking her head. "Your Majesty. Your hair is. Quite a mess today..."
Isabelle pouted and stuck her lower lip out. "It's not my fault..."
"Of course it isn't. You simply toss and turn too much." The maid nodded, her tone brisk.
Isabelle flushed bright red.