I'm not giving up, I'm taking a breather

She was sitting in the garden, watching the rain fall. The clouds had lightened, but they hadn't dissipated. The sky was still gray, the rain still pouring down, and she still didn't have an answer to the question of why.

It was frustrating. And worrying.

But. What could she do? She didn't have the magic of Tenshi, or the experience of her advisors. Every time there was an emergency or an urgent situation, it seemed like things always ended up the same.

She'd just be sitting in alone.

Staring at the sky.

Waiting for others to solve the problem.

In Ceiori she was able to get her hands dirty, to go looking for solutions herself. But then in the end, it still left her at waiting for Vaughn and then Alexander.

...She couldn't decide.

Was she just being selfish and arrogant to complain that she wasn't the one doing everything herself, the focus of attention and adoration for the people?