Oh yeah, it all coming together

The Goddess of Wine was happily wandering the venue, she just got finished making her special party brew, it was guaranteed to make you see triple.

"The last time i made this brew, it caused a Queen to fistfight her sister and her men to strip naked to assert dominance. That was the best day ever!" Winfrey reminisces fondly over that fateful day in MotoCin, it almost led to a full scale war before the buzz wore off and everybody had to contend with a hangover that makes sticking a thousands needles in your ass less painful.

She caught a glimpse of Zylon who was in a rather fine suit, he was talking to Swano.

"Thank you for introducing me tonight darling. It not everyday a God is your wingman." Swano said happily.

"Demi-God actually." He corrected.

"Semantics." She responded back, not seeing the difference.

"Not according to most of academia, there have been many actual fights over if I or Garwik count as full fledged Gods. I heard somebody even got stabbed for calling Garwik a demi-god." Zylon said.

Truth be told it actually scared him how far people would go to win a ultimately meaningless argument. He witness this first-hand a long time ago when Narvath, God of Battle went to war with Androcien, Goddess of Knowledge.

"People spill blood over meaningless things all the time, so this hardly surprise me." Swano said simply, she have seen a man's spine get ripped out because he didn't like a particular flavor of pie. Rest in peace, Uncle Deazer.

Zylon noted Winfrey looking over at them. She waved happily.

"May I be excused for a moment?" He politely asked of her.

"Oh dearie, you don't have to ask me for permission, go talk to your friends." She said sweetly.

In the time it would take one to cough, Zylon was in front of the deity that created Drunken Fist.

"Are you going to be ok?" Winfrey asked, worried about her friend well-being. She wondered if him coming to this event was the best idea, he could easily relapse.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Zylon slightly laughed while he said that, he knew what Winfrey really meant.

Now the Goddess of Wine like many Gods have different abilities that can be useful for any scenario. One of them was being able to make liquor or any liquid taste like actual rancid poison. She have done this to many different people and Gods alike, sometimes to genuinely help a acholic break the addiction or out of pure spite. She slowly raise her hand.

He stopped her hand from doing it by grabbing it, he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry i was just trying to help." Winfrey said awkwardly.

Zylon nodded.

"It ok, I know that i was pretty bad back then, but that in the past. I can control my urges." Zylon said, more to himself than to Winfrey who understood completely. Sometimes you need to hear someone or yourself said it out loud. To put your mind at ease and try to stuff the anxiety in the closet that really should be cleaned out at this point. Which is what she planned to do.

"YOU GOT THIS ZYLON, CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE!" She cheered which made Zylon smiled bashfully.

"Champion of the people? That flattering but I'm just doing what anybody would do." He said, trying to be humble.

"Bullshit, but I'm glad you taking in your father's and grandmother footsteps. We need more Gods with a superhero mindset around here. Like those Champions in the other realm." She explained.

Zylon have heard of them too. That woman who inspired him was on the team, and she was doing a damn fine job from what he was able to see. A elven girl wearing a business suit appeared and told Swano she be on in a couple of minutes.

Winfrey will be watching over him, she passed the word along to Malakai to do the same.

Zylon went onto the stage as the crowd fell silent. He smiled and the crowd cheered on for him as a elven beauty watched him, very intently from what he could tell. He took hold of a microphone and pointed at the crowd of various races.

"What happening everyone?! Is everyone here having the time of their lives?" Zylon asked the crowd who cheered violently.

"I GET IT BECAUSE HE THE SON OF MYRANISS!" An drunken elf said to himself loudly.


"Good to hear!" Zylon told them happily as the lights dimmed considerable, crimson smoke started bellowing from behind him. As well as strobing lights that spelled out Swano Loxtia's name.

"Malakai may have gone a little overboard on the effect machine." Zylon thought, smiling to himself.

"I should have put more effort into that effect machine. Oh well, no use complaining about it now." Malakai thought as he nursed his root beer, his favorite drink from childhood.

"Are you ready for the Mistress of JazBluro herself?" Zylon could sworn he gone deaf from the way the crowd erupted into cheers.

"I WANT HER TO BREAK MY LEGS!" A female orc supporter of hers yelled out in pure delight.

"WHAT THE HELL?! BUT ALSO I AGREE." The dwarf next to the female orc yelled in response to her.

"Sound like they're ready, TAKE IT AWAY SWANO!' Zylon yelled to the back as Swano sauntered onto stage with the twin succubae backup dancers who were as ready as they ever could be. They made sure that no matter what happens, they protect each other.

Zylon within a split second was at the table with the elven beauty, she smiled at him and placed a hand on his arm.

Honey Dogs was filled to the brim with all sorts of inhabitants. From higher-class elves looking to blow off steam to the sophisticated Orcs who were celebrating their friend birthday. The Dwarves sitting at the bar, talking about their work day to the Trolls sitting in the darkest corner of the club, eating and relaxing. The dance floor was blowing up, the energy in the air infected the patrons with a sense of euphoria. Swano Loxtia was performing her hit song "Drop Dead Baby and let me kiss you tonight." As she sung her heart out, the twin succubae moved with perfect precision, each dance move an artistic statement.

Dialoco was taking it all in, the large group of people lined up at the buffet and bar from Winfrey herself spinning on the dance floor like a tornado to the mecha-bouncers stopping a fight between a drunk human woman and a drunk elven woman. The big band music that was flawlessly intertwined with something from the Modern Realm, Hop Hip? Whatever it called, it was getting the crowd's blood pumping. He spotted Zylon eating a roast beef sandwich and chatting with a beautiful elven woman at a table. There was also one of Malakai's security automation just standing near the table where Zylon was at, just watching the Demi-God.

"So, you're fast?" A buxom elven woman asked. Her long auburn hair draped across her back, she was wearing a burgundy red dress that just sparkled under the lights. She clearly wasn't getting any sunlight if her pale skin was anything to go by.

Zylon smiled to himself, he already knew where this was going.

"You can say that, yes." Zylon had a slice of pineapple around his finger. The elven beauty look to see her pineapple slice from her drink had vanished.

"Fast fingers. I like that." The Elven beauty complimented, getting closer.

"D-Dialoco sir...Someone here to see you. The-they're waiting in your office." His dwarf secretary said as she shifted uncomfortably on her feet. Dialoco was concerned, she usually had a pep in her step, but now she was acting like she just saw a horny Shangor and an equally pissed off Miriam right behind him.

"Ok Uniqula, how about you take the rest of the night off, go enjoy the party, drinks and food are on the house." Dialoco soothed her. She nodded and headed off to the bar.

Dialoco smoothed his hair and adjust his tie and began his stroll to the office at a leisurely pace. When he opened the door, he found a large behemoth of a man sitting on his couch, he was wearing a coal black suit with bright white dress shoes. his skin an ashen grey.

"Oh shit." Dialoco cursed in his head as he felt his chest get tigther.

"Dialoco, my old friend. I trust my wife is enjoying the arrangements?" The boss asked.

Dialoco didn't see the three men that was with the large behemoth because he was so focused on the grey danger sitting on his couch.

"Yes, everything is going swimmingly." Dialoco said, keeping his cool. He smiled hoping to ease the tension that was crushing his chest.

The Behemoth of a man nodded, he took his hat off and motioned his three henchmen who just looked happy to be here.

"Now tell me Radam, who was the one who made absolute fools of you three?" The boss questioned, Dialoco then realized who they are.

"Oh Gods-damnit all to Thermes." He cursed again in his head, dread slowly strangling his sprit.

Radam, the shaved head man was called, was visibly sweating to Dialoco.

"Zy-Zylon sir..." Radam said meekly like a child who got picked on and their overzealous parent is coming to deal with it and that just going to make everything worse.

The behemoth turns to Dialoco, who was now sweating profusely.

"Now what kind of husband would I be if I interrupted this extravagant party and ruined my wife's big night?" The boss asked a sweaty Dialoco.

Dialoco didn't know or want to answer that, because if there was one thing he learned from dealing with this guy is that mainly everything he ask you is a trap. A spider-web that was placed in a way where it was hidden in plain-view, waiting for you to walk into it.

"With all due respect, what do you want?" Dialoco asked carefully. A knot formed in his stomach.

"This Zylon fellow, bring him to me." He asked of him.

"Shit, I have to warn him, he just had to play the hero." Dialoco thought angrily, rubbing his hand through his hair.

"He left some time ago, but if you give me time I-." Dialoco offered.

The large man scoffs, causing all three of his subordinates to jump in fear.

"No need, I already have one of my top workers taking care of that for me." The Boss said dismally. Disappointed with Dialoco's lack of self-preservation skills.

The Boss stood up.

"Lying can save one life, but be sure that the lie itself can actually stand on its own feet. It just poor planning otherwise." The Boss advised Dialoco as he approach him.

Dialoco's heart dropped.