Zylon was grabbing club members left and right. From the Elves working the kitchen to the Incubus just vibing to the rhythm. To the Orc bartenders and the Dwarven Bathroom attendees. He took them and put them outside one by one, giving a quick explanation of what was going on.
"Basically, it about to go down." He told Uniqula as she was still getting used to not accelerating past the speed of light.
"What happen to Dialoco? Is he alright?" She asked of the Demi-God, concerned about the Faun.
Zylon stopped.
"Good question! I'll be back." Zylon said, speeding back into the club.
"I wanted to see what was about to go down!" An incubus in a club jacket pouted as he leaned against the wall of the establishment.
Zylon could still hear Swano's voice, he could also hear a wall being broken in. The sounds of various chefs telling others to get out of the way and save the soup.
"That man is tough, but he can't defeat two literal Gods." Zylon thought, confident in Malakai and Winfrey's abilities. He saw the elf girl from earlier, the one who was sitting at the table with him. She locked eyes with him and pulled out a long jagged knife. She smiled and said a spell.
"Agenevit Cei" The words came out so smoothly, like she said this a hundred times before.
The knife itself became enchanted with ice, the once silver blade turning a pale cruel white as a thin layer of fog danced around it.
"Now it all make sense." Zylon said to himself, mentally chastising himself for being so careless.
"Not to mention the big blow my ego just took, of course she was just pretending to want me." Zylon thought, sighing and getting ready to end this in a second. She ran at him with impressive speed. Well for a mortal in any case.
Zylon easily dodged her first swipe, then the second and the third. She switched up her style, she tried to lay him out with a overhead kick which he easily ducked under, The assassin tried to sweep his legs but he just step back and yawn. The woman was clearly get frustrated, Zylon couldn't understand why? It was clear that she wasn't going to land a hit on a Demi-God known for his speed, there was no reason for her to get upset. He punched her quick in the mouth. her tooth came flying out, blood begin to trail down her mouth as she glared at him.
"Do you know how much it cost to get a mage that specializes in bone mending magic to fix my teeth?" She asked angrily.
The Demi-God shrugged.
"Hey if you work for the giant grey dick, then you can afford it." Zylon said unsympathetically.
"Typical God, doesn't give a damn about us lesser beings. Why was i expecting anything else?" She spat out.
"Oh I'm sorry, have you not heard of me saving a storeowner just today? Or my Father Ruthskarr? Hero of Legend? Or my mother Myraniss who protects all of us and time itself from evil entities a lot? Or my Grandmother Satrina? Goddess of the Hunt and Patron Saint to all downtrodden and abused Women? Or Amalech? Goddess of the Sun and probably the most kindest of us all? You know? Gods known for their heroics?" Zylon argued back.
"Please don't even put yourself on their level, you just playing a hero so you can feel like you not completely worthless you washed up drunk." She told him in digust, pulling out more knives from her belt.
"Ok, first of all. Big talk coming from a assassin, second Low blow, and third Ex-drunk!" He angrily corrected, folding his arms.
She threw three knives in quick succession, all of them imbued with ice magic. Zylon waited until the last moment, unperturbed. Why do they try to hit him? It like they forget he fast enough to go to the bathroom and come back before the punches or knives in this case would be even close to landing. But to his surprise...again, when he went to dodge. His speed wasn't working. Good news he can't die from something so simple as a well-thrown knife. Bad news is, it still hurts like hell.
The first knife hit the eyebrow above his left eye, blinding him with his own blood, the second hit him in the chest, impaling deep in there. He felt his spine seized up, it was ice cold. The third hit him square in the leg, ironic. He felt the coldness seized his insides, ice spreading out through his blood vessels and chest. His legs froze as well as he could barely move away from the assassin as she walked towards the Demi-God and wagged her finger in front of his face. He tried to throw a punch, he knew he still had his strength. But it was almost embarrassing how easily she dodges it. He felt his left arm locked up.
"Crap!" He thought as he felt his other arm lock up as well.
"How utterly sad, I figure you put up more of a fight. Oh well, once i collect the generous pay, I'm taking my wife on a vacation, maybe, just maybe we'll go to the Surging Waves. I hear that the most beautiful and delicious sea life is there. They also have a theater for those movies from the other realm." She continued happily as Zylon continued to freeze. He felt the ice invade his throat. His lungs slowly stop pumping air.
"Hey Kelias, you need any-oh i see you got this." Big Ray said to the elven warrior who smiled in his direction.
"Ahh Ray, yes everything is fine here." She told him politely as Ray nodded.
"Well that good, make sure you get that blood sample from him, though." Big Ray told her.
"Blood sample?" Zylon thought worried about why they would need his blood. He would theorize about it but he has bigger issues at hand.
She nodded and pulled out a large syringe with a metallic gold coloring.
The Syringe looked like it came out of a steampunk book to the Demi-God. It was rather big for one, with a gun like handle to it. He struggled with all his might, the ice begin to crack little by little. But it was too late.
He felt the needle plunged into his neck, the blood slowly drained from him.
"So how the misses doing?" Big Ray asked Kelias who smiled fondly.
"Oh you know Silva, still fretting about her weight even though she sexy as Percilivas." She said as she took the syringe out of Zylon's neck casually like one would take a pencil out of a container.
Big Ray chuckled. He had visited the elven couple before, they truly were a delight to be around. Sliva makes the best Crawberry crumble pie too.
"He might be this way!" Kelias heard someone said, it was vaguely human but felt artificial, she didn't hear any steps coming their way.
Kelias looked toward the two security automations running up like they was actually going to do shit.
They stopped just a few feet away from the dangerous duo.
"Big Ray, do you mind doing the honors?" She asked sweetly of the golem bouncer.
The bouncer smiled cockily at Kelias before turning toward the two automations, he only saw a split-second glimpse of them before getting hit in the face with rocket-propelled fist. It swept him off his feet and into a wall. Knocking out the golem.
"Direct hit! I told you I could do it!" The first automation said to the second one who proceeded to rush Kelias, Kelias knowing that these mooks were made by Malakai sighed dramatically, her ice enchanted daggers wasn't going to do jack shit. She ran for it but didn't get very far as the second automation shot out his right fist at her ankle, grabbing it and causing her to trip to the ground. This gave the second automation the time they needed to catch up with her.
"Don't get too cocky, we still have to take her down." The second automation said as they grabbed Kelias by the head and released a knockout gas from their palm. The woman gagged and coughed as she succumb to drowsiness and felled into a peaceful slumber.
The first automation look at Zylon. He grabbed the frozen messenger and threw him against the wall.
The ice surrounding the demi-God body shattered and Zylon felled to the ground in a heap, throwing up and shivering.
"WHAT THE HELL AUTO-ONE?!" The second automation scolded Auto-one.
"It was faster, i mean could've used the flame thrower but that just seemed that it would be worst because he would have to contend with third degree burns. He a Demi-God, he be alright." Auto-one said to Auto-2 who just sighed and conceded the point.
Zylon gagged as he struggled for air, feeling the ice melt slowly from his lungs as he struggled to get back to his feet.
"Ok, lesson learned, just because you're fast doesn't mean you can't still get your ass handled to you." Zylon thought to himself as he slowly turn towards the elf who just stole his blood. The artisan-crafted syringe still in her hand. A portal opened below her, sucking her in along with the vial containing his blood, as soon as it opened it was gone.
"Shit. That probably not good." Zylon said to himself. a million questions racing through his mind. He turn to the security automations.
"Thank you. I owe you both." Zylon told them as he yanked the knives out of his chest and leg.
He ran off, his speed returning to him.
He dashes through the halls, searching for Dialoco. He went into his office and check every nook and cranny.
"Did that giant bastard take him into a portal?" Zylon thought to himself. He briefly thought about Malakai and Winfrey and decided to check in on them.
in about two seconds he was there, He saw Malakai and Winfrey both holding onto each-other as Swano stood there, looking pissed.
"Are you guys alright?" Zylon asked of the two Gods who look traumatized to hell and back.
"Yes! From now on, everything going to be alright!" Winfrey jubilantly shouted, tears streaming down her face as she hugged Malakai.
Zylon nodded, confused about what happened but happy that they seemed okay. Him and Swano locked eyes and before she could even hit a high note, Zylon placed his hand over her mouth. Swano rolled her eyes and smirked (Well Zylon assumed due to the way her mouth moved against his palm.) Zylon was punched by a large grey fist from a portal that just opened into another portal.
"You know, for someone who so fast, he can be really sl-" Swano before she even could finish her insult got dragon suplexed into the ground by Winfrey, knocking her out completely.
"AND THAT FOR MAKING US CONFRONT OUR TRAUMA AND INSECURITIES YOU BITCH!" Winfrey angrily shouted as she kicked Swano in the rib-cage, completely shattering the left side of it.
"Well...at least we came out better because of it." Malakai offered gently.
Winfrey turned her head and look at him. A smile slowly crept onto her face.
"Look at you looking on the bright side! I guess you're right but still i would prefer if we conquer our demons on own terms you know." She said somberly as she look down at Swano in a mixture of gratefulness and disgust.
"True, but sometimes we need a push in order to do that and ZYLON! WE COMPLETELY FORGOT!" Malakai said in a outburst.
"I didn't, I'm sure he fine with the..guy...who can disable his speed, yeah we need to either wake her up so we can get there faster or wait can you fly?" The Wine Goddess inquired.
"No, you?" He asked.
"Nope! WELP, WAKE UP YOU SHITTY THERAPIST!" Winfrey yelled in Swano's ear. Rousing her not one bit. The Drunk Goddess paled.
"Oh please don't be dead!" Winfrey pleaded, Malakai placed his ear to her chest to find that her heart was still beating.
"She still alive." Malakai said to calm down the Goddess. Winfrey nodded in relief, that would be real embarrassing after the whole journey she had.
"Sir!" Jag said as he and Almonda and Rickter ran up to their creator.
The God of Smiting ran and enveloped them in a big hug, he lifted them off the ground and twirl them around.
"I'M SO SORRY MR.MALAKAI!" Almonda cried out.
"I ain't even gonna lie, saying that shit to you hurt in me places that i didn't know i could feel." Rickter said regretfully.
Winfrey smiled at the sight, then ran over to the bar so she could make a concoction to wake up the singer.
"Ok a pinch of cinnamon, some vodka, lime and salt and done." Winfrey said to herself, happy with the contents of her pick me up. She ran back over to Swano.
"Nasal Shots!" With her excited shout, Winfrey poured the contents into the nose of Swano. Malakai, Jag, and Almonda was flabbergasted by this. Rickter just cheered on the Goddess of Wine.
"Winfrey! Are you trying to finish the job?!" Malakai urgently asked of Winfrey who just smiled knowingly.
Swano jolted forward.
"AHHH DAMNIT WHAT THE FUCK." Swano yelled out in pain as she clutched her left side. She coughed up blood. She blew out the concoction through her nose. Yet she still felt sexy as hell.
"Hi, you awake? Good!" Winfrey exclaimed as she scooped the singer up in her arms, Swano now knew what Winfrey was capable of so she let it happened.
"We need you to call your husband." Malakai asked politely of Swano who just stare blankly at him.
"So you three can gang up on my poor defenseless husband?! You must think I'm completely stupid." Swano spat out, insulted.
"Yes!" Was the reply from Winfrey which made Swano glare at her, seething in rage.
Malakai walked over to her, he got down on one knee. Winfrey was confused at what Malakai was doing, Jag realized what his creator was trying to do and didn't have much faith it would work.
"I'm terribly sorry for setting your husband on fire. I don't know if you're aware but I'm the one who created his metal arm, i have created many things that had been used to kill or maim people, whether they be innocent or guilty. Please know I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you, just please...take us to our friend Zylon." He said softly but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Awww see he apologized even though he was completely in the right! Doesn't that count for anything?" Winfrey asked of her.
Swano scoffed, her eyes were full of rage.
"How dare you? You damn near immolated my husband you pathetic cuckold and for what?!" She screeched at the end.
"Just so a drunken bimbo and a former drunk would like you, correct? This had nothing to do with you two or your little emotional support crew over there!" She continued, enraged.
"Thank you." Almonda said gratefully.
"Uh Alley, I don't think that was supposed to be a complement." RIckter gently said.
"You're bimbo-adjacent, shut the hell up." Winfrey said, annoyed at the constant slander of bimbos that spew forth from Swano's mouth.
Rickter turned to his friends.
"Alright Plan B." He told them. Almonda nodded and Jag groaned.
"Pretty please?" Almonda asked of Swano.
"Pretty please with sprinkles and donuts on top?" Rickter said joining in. The two automations turned to Jag who just sighed.
"Pretty please with ice cream and cherries and hot fudge?" Jag asked, he was sure that he died a little on the inside when he said that. He wasn't even sure if that was possible for an automation but he felt something inside him die.
"Pretty please, can you three go melt yourself in a smelting pot?" Swano mocked ask, mimicking Almonda tone.
The God of Metal stood up, and without any warning grabbed the famous singer by the throat, surprising everyone. He lifted her out of Winfrey's grasp. Swano saw nothing but pure anger in his eyes that seemed to glow.
"Woah hold on Malakai?" Winfrey tried to soothe Malakai who ignored her. Almonda didn't get why Winfrey wanted to stop him, Swano was able to take down two Gods temporary thanks to her blessing by that smooth-talking bastard Apollo. It makes sense to disable her vocal cords so she wouldn't pull something like this again against any other being.
Rickter has seen only seen Malakai angry once, He knows he was just a automation and all but the sight of Malakai that day when he beat the pure crap of Apollo scared him. His friend almost lost himself that day and he can't let it happen again.
Jag was conflicted, he know that Swano is dangerous but he felt as Malakai would add this to his list of regrets if he went through with it. But he can't take the choice away from his creator...no his friend.
"You don't get to talk to them like that, now call for your husband to take us to Zylon or I make sure you never sing again." He threatened her, his eyes glowing a bright orange and his mouth full of fire. Swano could see the flames bellowing from his mouth. Malakai didn't squeeze her throat like he did with Apollo. He didn't made a threat of castration like he did when he captured his former lover Aphros and Apollo in bed. All things consider he let them off easy when he beat the musical prowess out of Apollo and then punched him in the face , sending him flying halfway across the world. Aphros was scared of him and she should've been.
"What wrong? Not so brave when you can't use your one golden ticket to get out of situations, am I correct? Here some wisdom, never rely on just one thing, whether it be a Arcane spell or a technique by that BASTARD SMOOTH-TALKING PIECE OF SHIT." Malakai roared from the top of his lungs, the very building begin to shake from the sheer volume of his voice. Pillars started to crack and break, people who was just about to walk back into the club ran right back out.
Malakai dropped her, surprised at himself. Swano backed away from the God of Smiting fearfully.
He saw his friends stare at him, completely worried and a little scared. Winfrey especially looked disturbed. He wanted to pull his hood over his head but decided against it. He was done hiding from the world.
Malakai took a deep breath, his anger threatened to bubble up again but slowly calm itself.
"I lost myself there. I'm sorry everyone." Malakai somberly told the group, have he truly changed? Was that whole debacle in his mind palace for nothing? Was he just incapable of change? Forever stuck in a maze where every turn leads to resentment?
Winfrey walked up to Malakai, she didn't have her usual smile on her face this time. It was a subtle smile that was more sympathetic as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Malakai it alright, we all lose ourselves from time to time. But as long as we can pull ourselves back from the ever gaping abyss. We'll be fine." She said to him, a single tear went down her face. Malakai nodded at this, he hoped this to be the case. He look into Winfrey's eyes and could tell she was thinking the same.
"As long we look out for each other, we can make it." Winfrey told him. Malakai nodded, of course. He had friends that can help him. He wasn't alone as he foolishly thought for so long.
"Now back to figuring out how are we going to save Zylon!" Winfrey told the group, full determined.
Malakai nodded and was about to speak before someone showed up behind them.
"Hey guys, what i miss?" Zylon asked of them.