A New Day

The Son of Time opened his eyes to the morning glow that lay beyond his windows. He remembered that today was the day he was finally setting foot back in Glory after two years. He felt that pit of anxiety crawled inside him and squeezed his respiratory system like a rattlesnake around their prey. He arose and rub his hands through his messy blonde hair. He had on black pajama pants and nothing else. He walked towards his bathroom at a leisurely pace. The bathroom was a modest sized one, The walls painted a slick burgundy blue. He took off his pants and turn on the hot water in the shower and waited. He went over to the mirror and look at himself. The same indigo eyes of his mother staring back at him. The once light stubble that he had became more pronounced.

"Jeez i really need to shave." Zylon thought to himself before deciding against it. At least for the time being.

He stood under the delightfully blazing waters. He sighed in contentment. The memories that he once tried so hard to not think about came to him like it did those two weeks ago at HoneyDogs.

The Demi-God took a deep breath and continued to wash himself with the lavender soap. He let the memories play in his head, this time with a fresh perspective.

He had just exited the bar that was known as The Freedom Hole, a parotic themed bar in Glory. It was a cool autumn night in the city known as the epicenter of excitement as it was named by Universe Magazine.

He was approached by two rather beautiful women, both of them wearing very lavish dresses. Both of them in that state of buzz where you can safety make it back to your house. He was wearing a black dress shirt and dark jeans. Despite his clear drunken demeanor there was something that stuck out to the two women, he clearly looked good even when drunk off his ass. That was a rare feat.

He introduced himself as a Demi-God to the two women.

"Ok pal. Right." One of the woman with short auburn hair deadpanned, rolling her eyes.

The Demi-God smirked at the healthy skepticism.

"Would you like a demonstration of my power?"

"Go ahead." Said the woman with the long blond hair.

Zylon look around, his vision a little hazy but still coherent.

He spotted a young woman who walking down the sidewalk, she had short black hair and was wearing a blue hoodie, she seemed to be in a rush. Her skin was brown like his mother's, she seemed to be carrying a backpack, muttering to herself about exams.


A lighting bolt came out of the skies itself and hit the young girl who went down with a single cry of pain. The brilliant flash nearly blinded the two women.

And there he stood with a smug smile on his face, completely oblivious to what he done.

The women ran away screaming bloody murder. It was quite a shock to the Demi-God, maybe the booze was clouding his critical thinking skills. He didn't get it until he caught the smell of burning flesh.

His eyes begin to dilate, to everyone who inside the buildings it was like a sonic boom went off.

He rushed the woman to the hospital and then ran back. But he couldn't stop himself from running. He just kept running. He didn't even know he was hyperventilating and there was tears flowing down his eyes. In his mental breakdown he stopped a robbery in process, saved a man from falling to his death.

What have you done?

What have he done?

Do you even care?

He vomited on himself a couple of times, ran into a wall, trip over his own feet. He had no direction, he was just running, hoping maybe he could fix this.

The only reason he came to a stop because he found himself in Garwik's arms. How? How did he get here?

He tried to get out of his arms, for some dumb reason he attacked Garwik in his frantic desperation.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME DAMNIT!" Zylon screamed as he kicked Garwik in the leg trying to escape.

The God of War proceeded to punch him in the nose, sending the Demi-God flying, he didn't stop until he collided with a oak tree. He could swore to this day he saw his other friend Terra, the Goddess of Earth sitting above him, looking down at him in pity. Her green eyes baring into his soul.

"Are you willing to listen now?" Garwik asked as he knelt down and got on eye contact level with his friend.

Zylon numbly nodded. There was nothing else that could be said.

Garwik had taken him to a acholic anonymous meeting and stayed with him for support.

He needed to see that woman again.

He needed to make things right.

Even if she doesn't forgive him, he doesn't feel right leaving things like it is now.

Zylon opened his eyes, he had been standing in the showers for only ten seconds.

He finished washing himself up.

The Demi-God exited the showers, he had resolved himself. With that, he put on his clothes and ventured out of his house.

"Are you ready?"

Zylon nodded and gave a confident smile that reminded the older Demi-God of himself. Ruthskarr nodded and gave the go ahead to Myraniss who with a proper snap her finger opened up a portal to Glory, IL. Zylon felt his heart raced but he continued to step forward.

Myraniss stopped him, a motherly smile on her face as she hugged him.

"I'm very proud of you." Was all that she said.

"I also packed you both a lunch." She said right after that, in an instant. Two intricately designed containers appeared in Ruthskarr and Zylon's hands. The box was purple with floral designs on it.

"Thanks mom!" Zylon said excitedly.

"Oh dang, Egg salad? My favorite!" RuthSkarr said as he kisses Myraniss on her neck. She planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Both of you have fun, ok?" Myraniss tell them both as she smiles brightly at the two people who brings her joy.

They stepped through the portal. If one were to describe the feeling, it was like when you were on a elevator and it came to it destination and there this shifting feeling that you feel permeating over your body.

Zylon found himself standing in his father's hotel room. It was spacious room with two well made beds and a rather small bathroom with a shower. Ruthskarr had already set the lunchbox down and began going over tomorrow schedule. Zylon look out the window to see it was already night-time.

"Ok, so tomorrow is the a charity event for the orphans of Aliana's home for kids. It also the anniversary of the Del Villa Tower being built over seventeen years ago." Ruthskarr explained to his son who nodded and ate the grilled cheese bacon and ham sandwich his mother made for him. He smiled at the care that was put into it, he loved his mom.

"Love you too son." She said in his head cheekily. Zylon grinned even wider.

"She also told you she love you? She said to me about five seconds ago." Ruthskarr said with a big smile.

Zylon remember when Devilla came to him, gushing about the skyscraper being built in her honor in this realm. He didn't remember the specifics of why she got one but basically the building Architect was enamored by her beauty and grace he had to build something so the whole world could remember her by, or something to that effect. He was only half paying attention.

They finished their lunch, Zylon wanted to go for a quick run. He went to Ruthskarr who was currently organizing his notes for tomorrow.

"Uh hey dad is it ok if i go for a quick run?"

"Of course. Don't see why you have to ask me that."

Zylon laughed awkwardly.

"I promise i won't be gone long." Zylon said, the shame he felt coming back stronger, but that was ok he could handle it this time.

Ruthskarr laughed at the way his son was acting, he knew why.

"Zylon...i trust you...ok?" He said genuinely.

Zylon stepped into the open air and saw the brilliance of Glory. It was just like how he remembered it. The shining lights of the Glory's skyline illuminating the night sky. He couldn't help but smile.

A blur went past him, he knew who it was. He couldn't help but grin. He decided to not follow her for now. He will see her tomorrow and explain everything.

Hopefully she will understand.

Hopefully he could move on.

"It like my dad said, Hope is a hell of a weapon." Zylon thought as he ran the opposite way, wanting to explore this city with a sober mind this time.