The Way Life Is

I do not remember when I came to be placed under the so-called care of the current owners I had. The only memories I have are of the collar and chains that reduce my movement, and whatever cell I am tied to. The owners are loud when they speak to me demanding a response of any kind. I do not speak and have no memories of ever doing so. The idea to make a sound to people such as they are, scares me. What if I said the wrong thing or made the wrong sound? If I do the wrong thing, I get punished. My chains tightened, arms above my head and on my knees unable to move, sometimes for days; to teach me a lesson they say. When I am what they call big trouble, and my regular punishment is not enough, they bring up other omegas and punish them. Why would I add sounds to both our troubles?

The years have taught me to sit and observe from my corner. When I came of age, I did my best to control my pheromones, which was also controlling my emotions. The less they know, the better. This of course does not mean I am not aware. I see everything, hear everything and learn everything. A good example of this; once every full moon they have someone trim my hair. Of course, they keep it long, it is now past my waist. However, it has allowed me to keep track of time. They have unintentionally released hints for me when they speak around my cell. My birthday, which is important to them, is on the last month of the year. So, I know that between every twelfth or thirteenth cut, I am also a year older. 

Where I live, is wherever they put me. The cell I always have is small and usually in a windowless room that is darker than most areas. They have a small mattress on the floor that takes up the whole one side, but I never use it. I remember trying once, and they punished me. Not sure what I did wrong, I found it best to just stay in one corner and wait for direction so as not to ire them. My only relief was knowing I could go a few days without seeing a single soul. Yes, that includes food and water as well, but at least it was quiet between those days.

The building had now been quiet for some time, informing me that it was already late when many loud voices could be heard. "At least they tipped us off this time. We should have paid them out sooner. It is costing us less money than the omegas we lost the other times we had been found. We have three days to clean house. Take the newest stock first and set up the new property. I will keep our treasured mute close until he is ready to be moved, just in case they arrive sooner."

My body shuddered with the idea of being kept close once more. When they dragged me along with them, they really liked to jerk the chains they had attached to me to remind me who was boss. That always hurt my neck, ankles and wrists. Bruises were normal for me, but knowing I was going to have more than normal frustrated me. I tried to hide further in the corner, keeping my head down, as the people came closer, just hoping the shadows kept me hidden enough.

"Grab the mute and take him to the main room for now. I will get the workers to move stock and clean. Three days is our deadline and I want to be out by tomorrow."

They moved us fast. I had been around them for so many years, it shouldn't have been that much of a surprise. The astounding thing was the care they took to cleaning the building as they moved each omega. The cells were torn down after each one was removed to the new holding. Then the room was de-scented, unlike any other time before. Usually they just left everything behind, including some so-called useless stock. As it always was, I was the last one moved and always kept close to one of the leads. Unlike the rest of the Omegas, they always gave me a sedative to knock me out before leaving the building. I feared these people with the depths of my soul, and when they jab the needle in, they always tell me it was for my own good, as damage goods did not sell well. It always had me wonder about the collar and chains that left marks.

Waking from the sedative always left my throat dry and head pounding. Of course, they never left anything for me to drink. Sighing, I slowly tested my range of movement. Ankles still have chains, movement limited to walking as per normal. The walking was more of a shuffle, I really did not have the length of chain for actual strides. Next, I moved my wrists. There was less movement. They had no distance and were shackled together now. This would make eating and drinking difficult, but it could be worse. Stage two of my wrists was checking how much space I had between wrists and neck. This chain was randomly changed and could be as short as a few inches, or as long as a couple feet. To my relief it was about a foot of chain today. Last stage was to sit up and open my eyes preparing for the headache to worsen.

Looking around at my new cell as I finally opened my eyes, had me blink several times in astonishment. I was in a room with a window. The sun was shining inside through a gap in the curtains! The next thing I could tell was that I was now caged in one of their rooms. This was very new to me, and I disliked it. They have blamed me for my scent getting on their clothing before, now I was in this room and my scent would stink everything up. It could only mean more punishment coming my way. 

"Looks like he is awake sis. Get the doctor up here." I turned to my captor's voice. "Time to find out why you have not had a heat yet pretty one. Are you going to behave, or do we need to tighten the chains?"

The man before me was my main tormentor. He relished in trying to make me respond to him. Only his sister kept him in check. Always using my rarity and purity along with dollar value as deterrent for his abuse. I have seen what he has done to the other omegas here. In fact, he has done it in front of my cage too many times to count.

Looking behind him I saw his sister enter with a stranger. "This omega has been with us for years. He is about twenty and never had a heat. With how rare male omegas are, we wonder if he is even one."

"He is an omega. As you know his pheromones do not lie. How did you get your hands on such a rare treasure?" The so-called doctor creeped me out. He did not look professional in the least. Standing with a grin, rubbing his grimy hands together while eyes taking me in from top to bottom.

"Keep it in your pants Heil. We plan to sell him at the next auction. Keeping him pure is our biggest sale point." The sister pushed the doctor forward. "Now tell us why he has not had a heat. Is he a worthless recessive?"

"Hey! Why did you tell him my name?" The doctor was not happy. Makes me think he is not a legal doctor at all.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. He won't tell anyone. He has not made a sound since we took him in our care." The brother grinned. "No matter what we do to him."

"Not a sound? That does not bode well. Did you find that reduced interest?" The man walked over to my cell door waiting for the other man to open it. "He looks well behaved."

"Thanks to my training." When the key clicked the brother looked at me. "Do as the doctor tells you, and maybe we will add a little extra to your dinner tonight."

My only response was to look down. I knew, as much as he did, I would be lucky to get any dinner tonight. His words were only for the doctor in the room.

"This won't take long. A simple blood sample and a vitals check. Has he shown any signs of maturity?" The doctor had his gross hands at my neck checking whatever he needed as I listened.

"Besides his age? His pheromones are much stronger than the others, it sticks to everything. His scent almost had us caught a couple years ago." The glare in his eye told me the reminder meant no dinner. "He has not once tried to nest either."

"His pheromone attachment suggest he is rarer than your normal omegas."

The brother scoffed at the doctor. "You mean rarer than a male omega? We have not seen one yet ourselves and the market has sold just one in the last twenty years."

"Oh, yes, definitely rarer than you think. The blood test will verify it, but I believe he is a dominant male omega."

The look of greed in the sibling's eyes made my skin crawl. The doctor soon moved his hands down my neck to my collar bones. He brushed them lightly, then chuckled. Lifting my arms, one at a time, he ran his right hand down from shoulder to fingertips.

"He is a little underweight and needs more water. Omegas of this calibre tend to be more sensitive. You need to treat him well for better results." He then moved his hands over my ribs to my waist. "He is a perfect specimen of a male omega. Too bad you can't just use him for breeding more quality stock."

"To risky. We will get more money selling him pure." The sister was beaming with pride with the doctor's observations.

"I could do a more thorough check up, but I think a blood test with give us what he is lacking for a heat. Since dominant omegas are rare and the males are even more unheard of, I will do some research. It could be he does not need a heat to produce, or he needs an evenly matched Alpha to bring it on." The doctor was gathering a blood sample as he spoke. It turns out needles are all the same, no matter where they are pierced. 

"That could be an interesting auction if he needs a special Alpha to start a heat. Not only highest bidder but strongest Alpha." The brother laughed.

"I am more concerned how such a dominant omega is so submissive. For your line of work, it is good. For his mental wellbeing, it really is not." The doctor literally spoke like a doctor for once. "Give him a toy or something."

"A toy? Seriously? How will that help him?" Both siblings spoke up now.

"A caged bird will die alone and fast if they do not have stimulation. Omegas are the same. For you to have had him for so long, and caged as he is, I am surprised he is alive. At least find a way to take him for walks."

"He does not leave the building let alone the cage unless necessary until the sale doc. I will find a toy to entertain him for the time being." The sister looked back down at me. "We need him in top condition for the sale. We have just a few months."

What I did not expect the next morning was food, drink, and, well, I did not know what it was. Beside my tray was a weird item. It was brown in colour and covered in fur. I dare not touch it, but it looked soft. The ears sticking out were rounded and had a soft cream colour inside. The shiny eyes were blue of all colours. A small pink nose on the small extended muzzle made it look cute. Looking away from it I turned to look around the room. I was alone. 

Unsure what to do, I took the food and drink leaving the strange fuzzy thing where it sat. It had to be some sort of trap of the tormentor. Nothing more. The drink was cool, and food still warm. A rare gift for me. Of course, the food itself was different. The usual porridge was now a strange mix of coloured things. Brown chunks of, soft and yet firm something. A pile of something like the porridge, but solid white and not grainy. The strangest of it all was this mix of coloured shapes between them all. There were little green trees, orange sticks and weird white things that looked between a tree and a cloud. They must have gotten tired of me making this their new fun.

Each item I picked up with my fingers I investigated. The brown squares smelled like nothing I could compare it to. The taste was salty and dry, if that makes sense. Texture was soft but it took a long time to chew one. The pile of white I wanted to save for last as it looked the safest, so my next target was the green trees. The smell was instantly questionable. As for the taste, it never got to be chewed. It was the devil. Since the white things were similar, I left them alone and tried the orange things. They felt harder than the brown and green items. The smell was nice, almost sweet. And the taste! I loved it. It did not take long for me to eat them all. Next was the white pile. It had a similar texture to porridge, so I did not study it to long focusing more on the taste. Unlike my usual food it was delicious.

Once I finished what I wanted I put the dishes back beside the fluffy thing and stared at it again. It almost felt like a stranger was in my safe zone. It looked safe, but then again, I never fully trusted the food given to me by these people. Having enough of it looking at me I turned my back towards it with a huff.