Chapter 6: Stolen Moments

Hazel's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the sterile white surroundings and the unmistakable scent of sanitizer wafting through the air. The room gradually came into focus, and I found myself facing a figure. The nurse's voice reached my ears, explaining, "You're in the hospital. We injected you with anti-anxiety meds, so you might feel a bit dizzy. Rest is crucial for now."

The reality hit me like a wave. "I'm in the hospital?" I rasped, more a confirmation than a question.

"Yes, you're safe now. We called your friend, listed as an emergency contact, and informed your university office. The person who brought you in is still in the waiting area. Do you want to see him?" The nurse's words washed over me, and I nodded, still processing the influx of information. A strange calmness settled in, a side effect of the anti-anxiety meds I'd come to despise. 

I stared at the ceiling as Alessandro entered the room, accompanied by a muscular man who seemed like a bodyguard and a blonde woman who appeared to be a doctor. His sharp jawline and deep, sorrowful eyes drew me in, and as he sat down, gripping my hand, he broke into sobs. The doctor and the bodyguard shared my bewilderment. Despite not knowing this man, a shared sense of familiarity and emotion enveloped us.

"Thank you for staying alive," he whispered through tears.

I gently held his face with my other hand and pulled him into an embrace. Unsure whether I needed the hug more or if he did, a wave of calmness engulfed me as he held me close. "Shhh... It's just a panic attack. I'm not the one to kick the bucket that easily," I teased, and we shared a laugh, acknowledging the peculiar situation. Pulling back, my mind fixated on his lips, and without second-guessing, I cupped his face and kissed him.

Gasps from the doctor broke the moment, and I pulled away, my cheeks flushing crimson. I had just kissed a stranger. The doctor, with a teasing tone, remarked, "Looks like you're feeling better now," raising her eyebrows playfully at both Alessandro and me. "I'm Bianca, your doctor for today. You can be discharged after completing your IV drop." She tilted my chin up to check the IV, then asked, "Is this your first panic attack?"

I shook my head, and she continued, "Then, may I know if it's a regular thing for you? What triggered it this time, and have you had severe panic attacks before? Perhaps even a coma as a result?" I widened my eyes, wondering how she knew. Of course, she's a doctor; I mentally scolded myself. Avoiding eye contact, I stammered. "Can you stay out for a moment? I need to speak with her privately" The doctor asked Alessandro and his bodyguard, and I watched his shadow exit the room. The doctor sat on my bed, squeezing my hand. "I know it might be hard, but I need to understand your history—therapists, psychologists, medication. It will help in referring you to a professional or prescribing meds."

I looked down at my thighs and whispered, "Twelve years ago, I was in a coma due to a severe panic attack. Admitted for two weeks, referred to a psychiatrist with follow-ups in the States. I stopped medication four years ago. Today, I was followed by criminals, almost kidnapped. Alessandro saved me."

The doctor squeezed my hand again. "I'll refer you to a therapist and prescribe anti-anxiety pills. You can be discharged today, but take care. Stay in populated areas, especially as kidnappings are common, mainly involving foreigners. Be cautious." She tapped my shoulder, got up, and left. Lying back, replaying her words, Isabella's voice broke my thoughts. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?"

I sat up, meeting her worried expression. "I'm okay, just a panic attack. I can go once the IV drop is complete in like five minutes."

"Are you sure you don't need to be admitted?" Isabella asked anxiously.

"No, the doctor said I should be fine for now. Don't worry about it." Isabella hugged me tightly, and in her presence, I felt serene.

Isabella, my roommate and Italian native of Florence, had been my pen-pal back in the States and we became friends. So when applying for college, we decided to go to university together and that's how I ended up in Florence. Standing at 5ft7 with red hair complementing her blue eyes, Isabella was thin and had a genuine worry etched on her face.

Alessandro walked in with the nurse, who efficiently checked and removed the IV drop. She smiled at me, saying, "You can leave now; please check with the front desk for discharge papers," before I could utter a word. Alessandro responded, "I'm on it," smiling at me. "I will take care of the discharge papers; you can take your time," he added, then left.

Isabella assisted me as we walked towards Alessandro, who appeared to have already completed the discharge procedure. He approached me, holding me by the shoulders, and asked, "Can you walk?" I nodded, and he examined my eyes, seemingly double-checking my response. He nodded, lifting me into a bridal style. Isabella looked stunned, her curiosity evident as we locked eyes. I whispered in the crook of his neck "Thank you", and Alessandro, stopping in his tracks, gazed into my eyes and nodded.

Insisting on dropping us off at our dorm, Alessandro swiftly hopped out of the car once it stopped at the gate. He helped me descend, holding my hand steadily. Walking me to the front gate, he turned me to face him, hugging me tightly. After kissing my forehead, he lowered his mouth to my ear, whispering, "I will text you." Pulling back, he handed me my phone, and I thanked him. Isabella interlinked our arms, and we headed to our dorm room. As soon as we entered, the door slammed behind her, and Isabella eagerly inquired, "Hmm, now we're talking, girl! Who's the handsome guy?" I ignored her question and went to my bed. She teased, shaking me, "Come on." I finally relented, "Alessandro, the guy who brought me to the hospital." She looked at me, expecting more, and I simply said, "That's it!" She cursed, "What the heck? Don't tell me you didn't get his number? My God, that beauty. I wouldn't miss that opportunity. Hazel, who would've thought you'd meet Prince Charming during a panic attack?" She laughed, continuing her playful banter as I drifted into sleep.