Chapter 4: Calm Before The Storm

**Lowlands Of Mercia**


In the fields of Mercia, a strong rain pours down onto the earth, and the sky is dark and gloomy, as if the heavens understood the current mood and atmosphere each soldier felt on the front lines.

The trenches and surrounding fields were wet and muddy, often resulting in soldiers slipping on the ground, the stench of the rotting corpses in the no man's land was unbearable; rats, the size of a cat were feasting on the carcasses of the dead.

Despite that, the soldiers of the 88th Company from the 5th "Herald" Division were still lively.

Of course, not a coincidence, rumors spread throughout the trenches that the crown prince himself, visited the headquarters of the 5th "Herald" Division, bearing gifts and treats for the soldiers who were fighting on the fronts.

"Does His Highness bring women as well?" The men shared words and laughs.

"Still, it's nice to hear that our future king bestowed us with his presence, it'll surely motivate some scared kitties here," another soldier jested.

"Big words from someone who peed himself on his first day!"

More laughter filled the once gloomy shelling rooms, giving a joyous atmosphere to everyone despite the real-life hell they experienced outside.

Meanwhile, Avis, who was sitting in a corner, only smiled as he once again focused on the letters he was making for his parents.

"I hope this war ends soon," he muttered.


**Town of Fern**

A convoy of cars and military vehicles entered the town of Fern, heading towards a manor in the center of the town, which also serves as the headquarters of the 5th "Herald" Division from the 1st Royal Infantry Corps.

After maneuvering in the town, the convoy reached its destination, a dark-colored car with various golden designs and markings stood out the most.

A single royal guard opened the door while a butler raised an umbrella, to shield an important individual inside the car from the rain.

The crown prince, Benedictus Lux Sancta, stepped out of the vehicle as he was being guided inside the mansion, he was wearing a simple formal military uniform and a peaked cap.

Entering the manor, he was welcomed by two rows of soldiers who stood steady and then saluted, paying their respect and honor to their guest, the crown prince.

Benedict saluted in return as he proceeded to walk straight, there, a man wearing an officer uniform eagerly greeted him.

"It's an honor to be blessed with your presence, Your Highness Prince Benedictus; my name is Major General Elbe Jacques of the 5th "Herald" Division." he introduced himself while performing a bow while his peaked cap off.

Benedict nodded and shook the hands of the man, "It's a pleasure to meet you, General Elbe, I apologize if my trip was sudden."

"Not at all, your Highness, you are always welcome to visit us. Rumors of your visit lit the spirits and morale of our troops, I must convey my gratitude for that, sire."

"Well I'm glad I could help," he chucked, "I also brought gifts and treats for your men, it's not much, but I hope it could elevate them from the boredom and despair they suffer for our great kingdom."

General Elbe smiled, "Thank you, Your Highness, we couldn't ask for more than this, sire, with the economy in bad shape, we are grateful that our men can still enjoy some form of happiness with these material items."

Benedict nodded in approval, "Now, I would like to visit the trenches, General, unfortunately, I'm not allowed to go there due to the limits given to me by my father, I would like to stay for some more, but the other fronts needed my presence too, it is the only thing I can do for now."

General Elbe bowed once again, "Thank you for visiting, Your Highness, and please don't humble yourself too much, your intentions are well appreciated by us."

Benedict spent an hour in the manor before finally bidding farewell to them as he prepared to visit other fronts, a busy week for the prince as the war intensified.


**Moskau, Russ Empire**

It was a sunny day in the city of Moskau, during this time, the citizens of the empire enjoyed the summer heat as they went outside their houses to have a barbecue or picnics and other outside activities.

While the atmosphere is relaxed, it couldn't be said the same inside the city's local garrison officer.

Inside the said office, rows of military officers and advisors were gathered at a long table where a map lay and various pieces of wood that marked their army movement and enemies' trenches.

A man with an imposing posture glared at his subordinates, "It's been a month since we initiated an attack against Orientis, our losses piled for thousands upon thousands, and the top brass on St. Peterborough is calling us to join them."

The man, General Kaminski Petrovich of the 8th Imperial Army sighed heavily, "Field Marshal Ludomir would call us for a crucial counter-offensive against the traitorous Swedes, but before that, we must finish our business with Orientis."

An officer with blonde and blue eyes and round glasses then proposed an idea, "Based on the intel we had gathered, it seems that Orientis cannot field any more men, with their limited population, 500,000 or so men is all that they could gather."

Adjusting his glasses, he continued, "I propose we locate more manpower against, them, we should also consider using at least sending 5 divisions of tanks along with our infantry, General, with the emergence of tanks and fighter planes, the trenches became obsolete, with our mighty firepower, we can push them with our heavy armors, massive infantry, and aerial bombing, there's only so much a small kingdom like Orientis could hinder us."

General Elbe went into deep thought, he was hesitant for a moment, but then again, while Orientis seemingly won't launch a counter-offensive due to their limited manpower and borders, they could prove troublesome once the Righteous Alliance reached them.

Making up his mind, he turned to the blonde officer, "Very well, Lieutenant General Mikhail, I approve of your plan, use the rest of the fodders available, then send our main army once the enemy is exhausted, however if this plan fails, you'll be accountable for it, understood?"

General Mikhail smirked and calmly replied, "Don't worry General, consider it done."

Thus, the Russo turned seriously against Orientis, meanwhile, the men on the front lines of Orientis were clueless as they enjoyed the gifts and treats they got from their prince.

A strong storm was brewing on the borders of Orientis, a storm that would bring carnage and destruction that would take both sides off guard.