Chapter 23

Chapter 23


It was a fun day out. We went to the mall and walked around for a bit and bought some new clothes, shoes, and accessories. We had so much fun just doing that.

This was so much fun. I had forgotten how much fun we had whenever we went shopping together. I never realized how much I had missed it until today.

We laughed and joked the whole time and I loved it. The shop was so crowded, but we managed to find a place to sit down and chat.

The kids were not left out in it, we found a play space and played lots of games. I so loved hearing their laughter and their sweet voices.

Lucas was sweet, he helped me with the bags and also interrupted me each time to ask me to buy a few things that I think is completely irrelevant to out existence but I obliged and bought them anyway.

It felt so good to feel good.

We spent about 2 hours doing that.

We had ice cream and he bought me one too, it was so yummy, I love ice cream.