Chapter 152

chapter 152

After she was done eating, she decided to visit the graveyard. It saddened her that she was unable to attend her dad's funeral or visit him at all.

She still found it suspicious that he died of a sudden heart attack. He had always been healthy, and no one had any reason to suspect that he would die so suddenly.

She was convinced beyond doubts 5hat Ava and Zoey had something to do with it. At least they did bury him close to his wife.

As she stood before the grave, she recalled the good times they had together. He was a great dad, always willing to help his daughter and give her advice. She was very happy that she and her dad were so close.

She wished they had more time together.

She missed him dearly, and she wanted to say goodbye.

"I am going to miss you dad.

I know you are watching me."

She told him with her tears running down her face.

"I love you, I always have."

She whispered to him.