Chapter 200


"Lucas! Lucas!"

Hearing her scream like that made his heart race. He got there to see Aiden and Claire staring at Sophia with their mouths open.

"My water just broke! The baby's coming!" Sophia said, grabbing her knees and waddling towards the couch. "You have to call the doctor!"

"You're in labor? Oh my god!" Claire shouted.

"Oh my god, my baby's coming!"

Lucas scrambled for his cell phone. As Sophia laid back on the couch and stretched her feet out.

Aiden gently touched her belly, and her eyes widened.

"It's moving around a lot!" Aiden said, squinting at it. "I think it's kicking."

Sophia's eyes grew huge.

"Oh my god!" She screamed.

She then laid back on the couch with her head buried in Lucas's lap.

"I'm in labor!" She groaned.

"Breathe baby, breathe. I've called Dr Harrison, he's on his way over." Lucas said, stroking her hair. "He'll be here in ten minutes or so."

Claire was tearing through the cabinets and pulling out every pregnancy books she could find.