Long-range Attacker

On the field, the grey mecha across had Yuka squarely in its sights.

As the pilot was about to press the fire button, Yuka suddenly changed direction, dodging to the right.

But the grey mecha's pilot smirked, "Just as expected," and fired towards Yuka's right side.

His smirk vanished the next second.

Yuka had only feigned a rightward dash; her pink mini-mecha, light on its feet, quickly looped back, continuing its charge towards the grey mecha from the upper left.

The explosion rocked just beside Yuka, slightly jostling her, but her mecha was unscathed.

From the sidelines, Roukujou explained, "Ladies and gentlemen, most of you may not know this, but in map races and arena battles, the restrictions on firepower are different. In the compact arena, only short cannons with limited blast radius are allowed; whereas in map races, with larger grounds, cannons with longer range and higher firepower are permitted."