
Muya chuckled. "Stridha, take charge; you head the girl; let us have a moment." He teased his brother.

"And if my answer is no, what then, Erica?"

"Ah, so you're Erica. Pleasure to finally encounter the legend of Benjamin," Muya spelled it out as Benjamin interjected.


He rushed out upon hanging up the call, leaving me standing there. I followed behind to see what it was that got him so tense. When I reached down the stairs that lead to his office, I saw him standing down there talking to two gentlemen who wore suits and looked quite presentable. They showed him something in the paper.

Without laying a finger on it, he cast a fleeting glance. "I'm more intrigued by your course of action. I'm not naive; the situation is evident. I can assess the deficit even without you presenting any evidence. Now, tell me," Stridha pressed, impatience evident in his words.