
Muya, sensing the intrusion, intercepted with a timely question, "What are you doing here? It's unlike you to enter my room, Benjamin."


Muya voiced apprehension regarding his brother in connection to me, cautioning, "He will commence searching for you, so exercise heightened vigilance to ensure that he cannot locate you, at least not at this juncture," he conveyed. As I pondered his words, I began to discern the rationale behind his suggestion, recognizing that the period during which his brother would embark on the quest to find me could serve as a contemplative interval, compelling him to reckon his thoughts of me, whether or not he desired to do so.

In the mansion, where secrets echoed in every corridor, I found myself ensconced in Muya's room, concealing the delicate truth of my pregnancy from Muya's unsuspecting brother.

As the days went by, a clandestine dance of deception ensued.