
My Erica," Benjamin murmured softly, the possessiveness evident in his tone.

Muya observed the depth of his brother's fury, yet he knew he had to press further. "And Shelly, what have you done to her?" he inquired, his tone gentle yet probing.

Benjamin's response was laced with disdain. "What do you expect, brother? A princess treatment?" He retorted, his displeasure evident in his voice.


"You realize she too is carrying your baby?"

Muya's question struck a nerve, and Benjamin's frustration bubbled to the surface. "What's your problem, Muya? Do you honestly think I would mind that?" He snapped, his tone sharp with irritation.

The implication of his brother's question only served to fuel his anger further.

"You know I am right, Benjamin. Besides, it's not like you're going to hide that from the face of the world, even if you wanted to. It's all evident, and soon you'll be married."