Love deception

However, to my dismay, my heart sank as the man in black greeted another couple who joined us. "Mr. Stridha, Mrs. Stridha, welcome. Please make yourselves comfortable. Mr. Karalana will join you shortly. I'll alert him of your presence," he informed them before hurrying off to fetch Mr. Karalana.


As the reality of the situation dawned on me, my heart stopped. I couldn't bring myself to meet their gaze, keeping my eyes fixed on the ground. But then a familiar voice broke through the tension.

"Erica?" Shelly's voice echoed in surprise, and I felt Benjamin's gaze fall upon me as he tilted his head to get a better look.

The world is sure small, isn't it? He asked, "We finally meet. 

Erica, who is that? Why is he near my daughter? And why did you take my daughter away from me?" Benjamin's voice cut through the tension, his accusatory tone piercing the air.