Echoes of love: melting hearts

Our proximity seemed to create a gravitational pull, drawing us together with an irresistible force. My senses were heightened, and every sensation was amplified as I closed the distance between us.

Benjamin's lips hovered tantalizingly close to mine, his breath warm against my skin. Time seemed to stand still as we lingered in the space between desire and restraint, the air thick with the promise of what was to come.

I missed you."

With a soft, barely audible sigh, I finally closed the gap, pressing my lips against his in a tender, lingering kiss. It was like igniting a spark in the darkness, a flame that blazed to life with an intensity that left us both breathless.

Our embrace deepened, each touch sending ripples of pleasure coursing through our bodies. I melted into Benjamin's arms, losing myself in the sensation of his touch and the warmth of his embrace.

In that moment, nothing else mattered.