Bitter sweet slice of life

In the soft light of morning, Benjamin lay peacefully asleep, cocooned in dreams. I watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of tenderness wash over me. But then, the persistent growling of my stomach disrupted the tranquility, reminding me of the tasks awaiting the day.


Gently, I reached out, brushing my fingers along his biceps to rouse him from slumber.

"Benjamin," I whispered, the warmth of his name rolling off my tongue. He stirred, his sleepy eyes meeting mine.


The request slipped out before I could second-guess it. "I'm hungry. Can you fix me something to eat?"

I felt a pang of guilt knowing it was the weekend, a time for him to rest, yet here I was disturbing his peace. But he simply nodded, his love evident in the gentle curve of his lips.

"Mm, what do you want to eat?" I pondered for a moment. "Some roasted chicken, perhaps?"