Insiticts laid abreast

Her words struck a chord deep within me, reminding me of my own worth and strength. But it was her next piece of advice that truly caught me off guard.


"For a man like him, don't show your tears and desperation in front of him," she continued. "Hold your head up high, do your duty, and ignore everything else above. Encourage him in his deeds."


I furrowed my brow in confusion.

Encourage him? It seemed like a foreign concept, given the circumstances. But my mother's words carried a weight of wisdom that I couldn't ignore.


"Encourage him?" I echoed, my voice tinged with uncertainty.


She sighed softly, her words laced with understanding. "Erica, a man is like a child. They can't always say what they need, but a mother will always know the needs of her own child. So treat Benjamin like a newborn baby."