The biter sweet turn 1

His face softened, and I seized the moment to delve deeper into the turmoil between us. "Are you the one to get upset because I had dinner? Tell me this, then."


I asked him a question right before his gaze fell down. "What am I to you, Benjamin?"


He looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and pain. "Erica, you know how much you mean to me. But lately, it's like I'm losing you. You're slipping away, and I don't know how to hold on." He thought to himself.

He sighed deeply, his shoulders sagging with the burden of our strained relationship. "I don't want to lose you, Erica. I just need to understand what's going on. Why the changes? The distance?"

I swallowed hard.

He nodded slowly and slowly, and his grip on my hands loosened. "I get it, Erica. I really do.

"I'll check on Penny," I said.

I left to check on my baby girl, who was sitting alone and contemplating.