A tomoil of thoughts

"Shelly? What did she say to you?"

I bit my lip, and the memory of her harsh words was still fresh. "She said... she implied that I was the complicated part of your life, that I'm just a maid who slept with her boss. And... she called Penny illegitimate."


Benjamin's expression darkened, a flash of anger crossing his features. "She said that?" His voice was low and dangerous.

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "Yes. And she made it clear that she won't rest until I'm out of your life."


He sighed, pulling me closer. "Erica, listen to me. Shelly doesn't know what she's talking about. You and Penny are everything to me. I'll handle Shelly. Don't let her words get to you."


"But what if she—"


"Shh," he interrupted, his lips pressing against my forehead. "I won't let anyone hurt you or our daughter. Trust me, Erica."