Calm before the storm 2


That morning, the press was scheduled to arrive to confirm the news circulating in the media and photograph Benjamin's "little family," as he fondly called it.

Muya, anticipating the chaos this might bring, had arranged for the press to delay their visit. He wanted to give Erica a few days to complete her demanding week at work and be more available for media attention.


This delay inadvertently made it harder for Shelly to have the much-needed conversation with Benjamin. Every time she tried to find a moment to talk, something else came up, pushing their confrontation further into the future.


As the couple lay in bed, the phone buzzed, disturbing their sleep.


"It's Muya," I said, looking at the caller ID.

Benjamin reached for the phone, rubbing his eyes. "What is it, Muya?" he asked, his voice still groggy from sleep.