The family secret 1

 He stepped inside, his expression cold. "I know what you did, Bianca. You abducted Erica's mother. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

Bianca's face blanched, her confidence wavering. "Benjamin, I—"

"Save it," he interrupted, his voice dangerously calm. "You crossed a line, and now you'll face the consequences."

Bianca's heart skipped a beat. She thought he meant something sexual, but what else could Benjamin ask to give it? Not sex! 

With those words, he turned and left, leaving Bianca to contemplate the gravity of her actions and the retribution that would follow. Benjamin knew he had to protect his family at all costs, and Bianca had just made herself a formidable enemy.

Bianca stood there, watching Benjamin's car disappear into the night. His words echoed in her mind, and for the first time, a real sense of fear gripped her. She had underestimated Benjamin's wrath, and now she would face the consequences of her actions.