Benjamin and Bianca's tale

Benjamin's mind was a mess, his thoughts consumed by the secrets his mother had kept hidden. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of emotions, and he didn't know how to keep his head above water.

He thought about Erica and how much he wanted to be with her—to talk to her, to hold her. But he was too proud to reach out and too afraid to show weakness.


As the hours passed, Benjamin became increasingly withdrawn, his heart heavy with the weight of his mother's secrets.

Meanwhile, I was oblivious to the turmoil Benjamin was going through. wondering how he would solve these puzzle pieces.

THE TALE (Victoria's house)

Muya's pov

We were all enamored with Benjamin after he left Bianca's, asking, "So what time does he usually come back, Victoria?" I'm interested in that lad. She said

"Bianca, Benjamin is just a teen; he only looks responsible enough, but he is a baby; he is only sixteen; stop jocking about that." Victoria gave a defense.