My acceptance: Deeper feelings


His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer as he thrust deeper. Each movement was a testament to his love and his need to be close to me, to be one with me. His breath was hot against my skin, and his heart was beating in time with mine.


I could feel every inch of him, his body communicating what words could not. The way he held me and the way he moved inside me were filled with raw, unspoken love. I closed my eyes, letting the sensations wash over me, losing myself in the pure, unadulterated intimacy of the moment.

"Erica," he murmured, his voice a blend of need and devotion. "You make me feel so complete."

I pressed my forehead to his, our breaths mingling as our bodies moved in perfect harmony. "You are my everything, Benjamin," I whispered back, my voice filled with emotion. "Let me take away your worries; let me make you whole."