Chapter 128

"Let's go!" Captain America yelled out as he opened the shits hangar door and jumped out.

"Bring up the rear Natasha!" I yelled as I jumped out, following the Captain.

Steve landed in front of Loki's energy blast, reflecting the blast back into Loki. I landed on a lamp post and watched as Steve stood up protectively, Loki slowly getting back on his feet. I took out my phone and began recording this, this shit was going to be fucking history!

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Steve smiled.

"The soldier, the man out of time," Loki chuckled.

"I'm not the man out of time," Steve motioned over his shoulder.

Nat brought the plane back around and leveled it's machine guns at Loki, "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."

Loki rolled his eyes and trusted the spear forward, sending a blast of energy that Natash quickly dodged. Cap then charged forward, throwing his shield at Loki. I stuck my phone to the lamp post and kept recording, time to earn my living!

Loki struck Cap, who blocked the strike easily. Just then the Asgardian swiped his spear upwards sending Steve flying back.

"Yo ho!" I cried out. Loki turned to me and his eyes went wide as I went feet first into his gut, bouncing off his body and land away.

Loki tried to get back on his feet but a few quickly shots of my strongest webbing kept him pinned down to the floor.

He growled, "what are you?!"

I shrugged, "haven't you heard? I'm Spider-man," and just then my spidey senses went off like an alarm. I ducked to the side just as Loki's spear somehow was thrust right where I was standing.

I turned around to find Loki behind me, looking surprised. I leaped into combat, dodging his spear, landing a punch across his face.

Loki was pushed back, slowly rubbing his bruised face, "I'll admit, you are one of the most agile warriors I have ever faced."

Steve walked up next to me, "here that Spider? I think he likes you."

"Awe shucks, sorry horns, but I'm more into women," I shoot out two web grenade cartridges at him.

"Enough of this!" Loki cried out blasting my webbing into bust. He sent a blast at me and Cap, we leaped to the side, easily avoiding it. Steve got up and charged forward, knocking Loki's staff back with his shield before kicking Loki in the gut.

The asgardian growled and charged forward, thrusting with his spear, only for Cap to block it. I jumped over Cap and leveled my palms at Loki's face, the repulsors glowing with energy.

"Bite me bitch!" I cried out sending out twin bursts of energy that sent Loki flying back, his staff falling out of his hand.

Steve and I walked up to him and watched as he slowly got back on his feet, his helmet broken apart, his clothes torn. He growled at me, "Spider-man."

"That's my name, don't wear it out," I leveled my repulsors at him again. And suddenly my spider sense went off again.

"Look out Cap!" I yelled tackling him to the ground just as two daggers flew out of Loki's hand to where our heads were a moment ago.

"Tch!" Loki cursed as he quickly grabbed his staff and pointed it at us.

"Get back," Cap cried out putting his shield before us bother just as Loki fired off a beam of energy.

We got sent flying back. Loki looked like he was going to get away, Cap and I got on our feet and were about to chase him when suddenly AC/DC's 'Shoot to Thrill' began playing. I smiled, about damn time.

Iron Man came flying out of the sky, he sent out two repulsor blasts that sent Loki on his ass before he landed before him and every single weapon he had activated and took aim at Loki, "your move reindeer games."

Loki looked at him and then to us. I sighed, slowly putting his hands up, dropping his staff. His golden armour and cloak disappeared.

"Mr. Stark," Captain nodded.

Iron Man looked over his shoulder and nodded, "captain."

I quickly applied concert webbing on his hands and grabbed the staff, "damn, this thing is epic! It's like a magic wand. You're a wizard Loki!"

Iron Man and Cap looked at each other. "This is the guy who took down Magneto?" Tony asked sarcastically.

Captain America shrugged, "that's what his file said."

"Okay, first of all, I'm right here, and second off all, you both are mean," I huffed.

We put Loki on board the jet and quickly took off back to HQ. Nat told Fury we were coming in, the director was seemingly impressed we took him down easily, but also very, very cautious.

While inside the jet Tony took off his helmet and turned to me. He turned to me and then narrowed his eyes, seemingly scanning me all the way from my helmet to my arc reactor. And then his eyes went wide.

"Is that my tech?" Tony asked in mild horror.

I looked down, "a version of it."

"You have my tech? Agent Romanoff when did SHIELD begin stealing the most advanced pieces of technology?" Tony turned to Natasha.

"We didn't steal a thing Stark," Nat smiled as she made eye contact with Tony, "he made it."

Tony's eyes blinked in utter confusion, "I'm sorry?"

"He made it," she replied, "Spider, how long did it take for you to figure out his tech?"

I shrugged, "two months or so. Repulsors around half the time," I opened my palms showing off the tech.

Stark looked down and then gasped, "two months? People have been trying to figure out my tech for years, the brightest minds on the planet, and you did it in two months?"




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Patreon and buy it now

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