Chapter 130

I clicked my helmet open and took it off, revealing my face for the first time to them.

"Y-you're just a kid," Tony looked horrified.

"You shouldn't be here," Steve argued.

"You were told the same thing before you got the serum," I looked at Steve, "but what did you? You kept trying, again and again."

"That was different, it was war and-"

"-And you're telling me that's not what Loki's bringing into our world right now?" I shot him off.

"You shouldn't be fighting," Tony argued, "you shouldn't even be here."

I was silent, I looked at them both, they were worried I was going to die once again. I sighed, "the first time I got my powers I didn't want to fight crime. Hell I wanted nothing to do with them. But….then a friend told me something, that if heros don't rise, the bad guys won't stop coming. That week I was in Harlem when the Hulk tore through it hurting so many people. So many just...crying out...the pain….I couldn't let them get hurt. Not when I could stop it.

"Right then and there I made a choice, regardless of what happens to me, if I could help people, I would. My dad had a saying, my uncle loves repeating it to me, with great power, comes great responsibility. They each have a different interpretation to those words, but I have my own. For me, it means that if I have the power to stop something from happening, but I don't, then the bad things happen because of me."

I glared at Tony and Steve, "Loki has to be stopped. No matter the cost, my life is nothing when compared to the hundreds that would die if we don't stop him. It doesn't matter how old am I, all that matters is that I do everything I can to stop him."

Tony and Steve met my eyes before finally Tony broke the silence, "that was by far the best rallying speech I have ever heard. Like not Independence day level, but definitely better than Braveheart."

Steve smirked, "I didn't understand that reference, but I assume it's good."

Tony nodded, "oh yes."

" two old men in or out?"

Steve nodded, "in."

Tony looked down at Coulson's blood, "he's made it personal."

"That's not the point," Steve argued.

"No, I think it is," I spoke up, "he wanted to get captured to break us all up from the inside."

"So divide and concur?" Steve asked.

"Yes, but...he knows he has to take us out in order to win right?" Tony's eyes widened in realisation, "that's what he wants. He wants to beat us, he want's to be seen doing it."

"He loves a good show," I told them, "Fury described him as arrogant and a self absorbed drama queen."

"He want's an audience," Tony concluded.

"We caught his act in Germany," Cap nodded.

"No, no, that's just the preview. This is opening night, and Loki's a full tale drama queen, he wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants monuments built to the sky with his name plastered-"

Steve's eyes went wide, "son of a bitch."

"We need to move," I put on my mask activating the voice changer.

"I'll take the suit and be the faster," Tony ran quickly.

"Don't take him on by yourself," Steve argued.

"No, if Loki hasn't set the teleporter yet there might still be time for us to stop him," I said in failing hope, "think your suit can take you all the way home Tony?"

"You bet it can," Tony split off leaving Cap and me alone.

"We need to get Nat and Hawkeye," I told Steve.

"Can he be trusted?"

"Let's find out," I brought him to the infirmary.

In minutes we were out the heli carried in a jet piloted by Nat with Clint as her second. As we raced to Manhattan I realised something, the people, they were going to get hurt, so many of them. Maybe I could do something to stop that.

I took out my SHIELD issue phone and opened my Spider-man Twitter account;

Twitter: Not a drill, Manhattan going to be hit by crazy super villain at Stark Tower. Everyone get out now!

I sent the message again and again until finally people began to take notice.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked.

"I just told all my followers to get out of the city. It Loki's army is coming they'll be the ones getting hurt."

"Smart move," Steve nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately people think I'm joking," I grumbled.

Damn, TheAmazingSpider is such a troll!

Leave Manhattan? In the middle of the day? Man do you even live here?

What the hell is so bad that you think we should all leave?

Damn morons! I growled, I slowly turned to Cap….wait a minute.

"Hey Cap, think you can do me a favour?" I smiled bringing the camera up putting it on video mode, "tell them all to get out of the city immediately, that people could actually die if they don't."

Steve looked confused but slowly nodded. I made a video of him warning the people to run away and to get out of the city immediately that this was not a joke. I posted it online, and people went nuts.

Dude! That's Captain America!


Why? What's happening?

I replied to as many messages as I could. Steve looked over my shoulder nodding in approval at the way I told them just enough so that they wouldn't panic, but getting the urgency through.

But we wouldn't be enough, I knew that. I dialed Johnny's number, he picked up after two rings, "hey Peter, what's up?"

"Johnny, where are you and the others?"

"Don't you remember? We're in Germany, that big science fest Reed's getting. Why? Whats wrong?"

"Manhattan is getting hit by an alien attack. Big large army, you guys need to be here, now! It's like a level 1 emergency!"

"What?! Aliens?!" I heard chatter on the other side. Suddenly Sue's voice came on, "Peter? What's going on? What's this about aliens?"

"There's this guy, Loki, he has this device that can open a scape bridge and bring forth an army of alien monsters! I'm doing what I can to stop them, but I need your help! How soon can you all get here?"

"We're in Germany right now Peter!" Sue panicked, "it would take us 11 hours to reach here!"

"Can Johnny fly here?" I cursed.

"No, he's not that fast, don't even think about it Johnny!" she yelled out, I heard Johnny argue back but Sue yelled once again shutting him up. She spoke, "I'm sorry Peter. We'll try to be there as soon as we can."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Patreon and buy it now

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