Chapter 133

I leaped into action, using my repulsors to give me a boost, before I swung away. I looked around, I knew this city like the back of my hand, meaning I also knew just how I could lay down traps for these sons of bitches.

I landed on a building side and adjusted my web gauntlets' settings, allowing it to shoot out large quantities of webbing at once. I built this setting just for this situation, it's a good thing I'll get to use it.

I fire the webbing out, creating a giant web over the street. Just then a squad of flyers came crashing in, getting tangled up in my web like a fly. I grinned, this is so going to fun.

I swung from building to building, creating my large web trap across the streets. I managed to catch so many flyers in them, letting the suffer in their new sticky prison.

I looked up and saw Tony nearly fly into one of them. "Watch it!" I cried out.

"Sorry kid! Didn't see it," Tony flew over them, "there's a squad down on 6th, think you can handle it?"

I grinned, "I know I can."

I quickly swung my way down to 6th, landing just in time to see the Chitauri soldiers coner some civilians. I was about to fight them off when suddenly a figure dressed in black leaped in and began to attack them.

I recognized her immediately, "Cat?!" I jumped down and landed on a soldier, smashing his head into the ground. I then pierced three Chitauri surrounding me with my arms, using the remaining one to fire a web line and pull an alien solider that was about to cleave my girlfriend in half.

"I told you to stay away!" I called out punching a Chitauri across the head leaping to her side just in time to push her away from a plasma bolt.

"And you knew I wouldn't," she replied with a smile as she fired the grapple gun I made her, catching a Chitauri with its spiked tip, pulling him down to the ground before fireing a bullet into his skull.

"Woha! Where did you get a gun?!" I asked firing a repulsor blast at the aliens.

"Mom's a criminal lawyer, where do you think?" she fired three more rounds, killing more of the alien soldiers.

"That is totally not safe Cat," I pierced an alien throw the head, throwing it's corpse at a charging aline before firing a repulsor blast at it.

"Says the guy with nuclear weapons on the palm of his hands," she smirked.

"I love you," I smiled throwing the last Chitauri threw the air when Felicia shot him. I turned to the gathered humans, fifty, maybe more. I turned to her, "you need to get them to safety."

"I'm not leaving you to fight this alone Spider," she hissed.

"Cat, I'll be fine," I put my arms on her shoulders rubbing them, "but these people need your help now. Get them underground and out of the city."

"You're just trying to get me out of the fight," she growled.

"You're damn right I am," I hissed, "you can't fight these things, not yet. I promise you I'll help you get better, enough that I won't have to worry about you. But right now Kitten, I need you to be safe. Please, for me."

She didn't like the fact I basically called her weak, but she knew I was right. She pressed a button on the side of my helmet allowing the mouthpiece to slide up, a new addition I made so that I could eat without removing the whole helmet.

She pressed her lips against mine, wrapped her arms around me. I moaned into the kiss, wrapping her hands around. I heard the clicking of cameras go off, but I didn't care. She drew back and I looked into her eyes.

"You better come back to me alive Spider, or else I'm telling everyone about that night with you me and Jean."

I smiled, "I love you too Kitten, stay safe."

Cat nodded as she quickly took the people underground, hopefully she could keep them all safe. I turned back and slide my mask down, time to get back to work.

I leaped up into air and fired off a web line, swinging away. Just then I saw a flyer pass by, I was about to shoot it down when I noticed a redhead flying it.

"Nat?! Was that you?!"

"Not now Spider!" she yelled back.

I blinked, huh, a russian flying an alien spacecraft, don't see that every day.

I found another squad of aliens about to attack a street full of civilians, cops fired at them but only a few survived.

"ARGH!" the monsters yelled as they opened fire. I shot a web grenade down and covered the alien's, the plasma bolts signed the webs, but nothing else, trapping them inside it.

I landed in front of them and turned around. I squatted down in front of a police cruiser and grunted as I picked it up, raising it over my head. I looked at the astonished cops, "I'll borrowing this for a sec," I turned around to the ball of aliens slowly ripping free and smashed the car down, crushing them like bugs.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Patreon and buy it now

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