Chapter 135

This is the asshole who tried to kill us?!

What the fuck man!

You saved us! #Avengers #Amazing!

SHIELD arrived on scene quickly enough. They put Loki in chains and took him away. Hulk managed to calm down back into Bruce, and Tony got him some clothes.

Together we all went back out and down two blocks to the Shawarma place. It was busted and empty, but the owners were still inside. They looked surprised at the sight of us, I suppose we would all make a peculiar sight.

Tony walked up and ordered us some food. We pushed all the tables together and sat around. We ate in silence, I can't say about the rest, but I was exhausted…..oh who I kidding?! The silence was fucking annoying!

"So ah….are we team now?" I asked, "I mean, I know I did call us the Avengers and all that, but like...are we?"

Bruce munched on his food, "I guess."

"SHIELD can't sanction us anymore," Nat explained, "we're too public now."

I shrugged, "never been an issue when it came to me."

"You are one agent, this is a team."

"Wait, he's an agent?" Clint asked surprised.

"Where did you think I was after the Stark expo?" Nat asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know...Canada?" Nat rolled her eyes.

"We have to be a team," Tony spoke with eyes that were heavy with the sight he witnessed through the portal, "we need to be ready, for the next time something like this happens."

"You really think it will?" Steve asked.

"It would be stupid to think otherwise."

"What are you going to do with Loki?" I asked Thor.

"He will face justice," Thor nodded, "rest assured he will not be getting out anytime soon."

"Good, because next time he tried to cause trouble on Earth I swear I'll throw him into a volcano," I growled.

"And I thought I was the one with anger issue," Bruce chuckled.

I smiled, "you're right, enough of this doom and gloom shit," I took out my phone, "come on, let's make this whole team up thing official!"

"This isn't a family outing kid," Nat said with a dull tone, but I could see the small smile in her face.

"Why not, I need a new cover photo anyway," Tony shrugged.

"It's still amazing you can fit a camera and a phone into one tiny little thing," Steve noted.

We all gathered round with me in the center. I asked the shop owner to snap a picture of us standing before the table. I had my arms over Nat and Tony, who stood either side of me. Clint stood next to Nat and Thor next to him. Bruce and Steve stood besides Tony. We smiled, or glared in Nat's case.

I uploaded the picture to all my social media platforms;

Twitter: #Avengers, here to stay.

Insta: #Avengers, here to stay.

Snapchat: #Avengers, here to stay.

I smiled, why mess with a good formula? Just as we got ready to leave Felicia landed in front of the shop entrance and ran in.

"Kitten!" I cried out as she jumped into my arms, "I'm glad you're safe."

"Woah, who's the hot chick in the skin tight suit?" Tony asked.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Black Cat," I smiled, "oh and Tony, she's sixteen."

Tony blinked, "I never said anything."

"Sure you did," Steve rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of sixteen," Nat reached into a pocket and took out a pen drive, she tossed it to me, "here, that pendrive has SHIELD's resource management team's contact details. If you need any toys to build a new suit call them. Happy birthday Spider."

I blinked, "wait what?" I looked at my SA and blinked, "holy shit! It's my birthday!"

"You forgot didn't you," Cat rolled her eyes.

"Ah...maybe?" I chuckled.

"Happy birthday kid, sorry I didn't get you anything," Tony patted my shoulder.

"On Asgard we celebrate a young man's sixteenth birthday by having him fight a wild beast! We then reward him with his very own weapon!" Thor smiled before blinking, "and I suppose fighting a war does count of a suitable right of passage….hm, I'll get you a weapon from the vaults next time I return to Midgard."

"You really don't have to-" I quickly said before he stopped me.

"None sense, a warrior like you deserves nothing less!" Thor beamed.

Cat leaned in and whispered, "who's the dream boat?"

"The God of thunder," I replied.

"Damn," she looked him over.

"Hey," I hissed shocking her a little with my bioelectricity, "eyes up front."

Cat pouted, "spoil sport."

I picked up Cat and swung away, promising to keep in touch with the others. As we swung across the New York skyline I sighed at the sun setting in the distance as Cat clung to me.

"Is Liz safe?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied as I landed on a train heading to Queens. We sat down on top of the train and rested as it went across the East River.

"You're hurt," she said tracing the hole in my costume.

"I'm fine, the armour took most of the damage," I smiled putting one arm around her as she leaed on my shoulder.

"You were amazing out there today," she said, "everyone was talking about how you and everyone there saved our lives. How your tweet and video must have saved like, a hundred people or so."

"You're the real hero Kitten," I replied.

"Peter, be serious."

"I am," I turned to her, "I have powers and a nuclear weapon in my suit. You don't' have either of those, but the first thing you did when you thought your friend was in danger was run to her side in the middle of a war zone. Don't tell me that isn't what a real hero would do."

"I wasn't being a hero then Peter, I just wanted to save my friend," Felicia argued.

"I didn't see Liz in the group of people you saved." Felicia didn't reply. "Felicia, you don't need to save everyone to be a hero, you just need to save someone, anyone. It doesn't matter who. And what you did today….you are a hero Kitten, you're my hero."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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