Chapter 146

I took off my jacket and walked into the court. "Great, we get some entertainment," MJ smiled as the girls sat down next to the court.

I stood before Scott checking the ball once, "you sure you want to do this?"

Scott checked it back, "hell yeah."

I grinned, "sucker."

Five minutes later….

"And the king of Xavier's school for mutants basketball court is Peter Parker!" I cried out, dunking my fifth basket in a row. I landed on my feet and grinned at a slack jawed Scott.

"HOW?!" he yelled.

I smiled, "I'm really agile."

"Come on you two, it's time for lunch!" Jean called out as she and the girls made their way inside.

"Coming," I called out, putting my hand on Scott's shoulder, guiding him inside, "so, since I won, what can you do?"

Scott sighed, "it's ah, it's complicated. I can sort off….blow things up."

I grinned, "cool."

We ate lunch with the other in one of the cleanest kitchen I have ever seen. We all sat around one table big enough for twelve, the girls were quickly catching up while Scott and I discussed his powers.

"So, it's like a beam of concussive force? Not heat?" I asked a little surprised.

Scott nodded, "yeah, that's what the professor said. He said my powers came from inside my eyes, but he doesn't really know where."

I hummed, in my Earth there was this theory that Scott's powers came from another dimension, so maybe it was like Johnny's powers, able to absorb them from another dimension and then channel it into our own through a form of energy.

"Close your eyes," I told him.

Scott looked surprised, "what?"

"I want to see how your eyelids look with your eyes closed, close them," I repeated myself. He did so and I took off his glasses. I was glowing red energy just below the surface of his eyelids, they somehow didn't tear his eyelids off.

"Are you done?" Scott asked a little impatiently.

"Yeah," I put his glasses back on and saw his eyes open up from behind the red shades. "So, I think I have a theory on how your powers work."

Scott blinked, "what?"

I nodded, "I know someone who has similar powers. His powers come from another dimension, a plane of existence that his body can somehow at will, call upon. I think your body works the same way. And this energy is somehow a part of your body, that's why your eyelids aren't being ripped apart. I would wager your fingers or any other part of your body would also be immune to your powers. Maybe they are somehow absorbing the energy back into your body and channeling it inside you...but I can't be too sure."

Scott gaped, "how do you know that?!"

I shrugged, "didn't Jean tell you? I'm a genius."

We spent the rest of the day with Scott and Jean, just walking around, looking at the mansion. Scott and I talked about cars, though I wasn't a fanatic like him, I did learn a little from spending so much time with Johnny and Ben working on my car that I could share a few conversations with the man.

By around late afternoon we had to leave. Scott, Jean, Xavier, Ororo and Logan meet us at the front to see us off.

"I can't believe you drive that," Scott said whistling at the sight of my car.

I smiled, "yeah, I call him Doc."

"Creative," Logan smirked.

"I missed you all so much," Jean said as she leaned in giving us all a big hug. When it was my turn she placed a small kiss on my cheek, before removing my psychic dampers. I looked surprised and was about ask why when I heard her voice in my head;

"Next time, have it be Felicia and you, alone. We three can spend some time, together." Jean smiled as she put the earpieces back on my ears, leaving me blushing red.

"Thanks so much for having us professor," MJ said politely, "you really have an amazing place."

"Yeah, glad to see our little Jeany's being taken care off," Liz nodded.

"You are welcome," Xavier nodded, "and please feel free to come and visit any time you wish. Our doors are always open for friends."

"Though next time you better call," Logan growled.

I blinked, "oh wait, that reminds me!" I quickly opened the front and looked through my bag, pulling out my history textbook. I walked up to Logan and opened to the page about world war 2, "here, can you sign this for me?"

Logan and the others looked surprised when I handed him the book. "What are you going on about bub?" Logan asked.

"This," I tapped the photo off Captain America and James Howlett, also know as a Wolverine, I had found the photo a long time ago, it was actually when I realised mutants were a thing in this world, I didn't realise it then but this would be a perfect to tell Logan about his past, without giving away anything, "that is you right? I talked to Cap about it and he told me how cool it was to serve with you. By the way, do you mind me telling him about you? Steve would love to hear about you, between us, the guy's kind of lonely."

Logan's eyes went wide as he stared at the picture, "t-this is me?"

The other mutants looked at the picture, each gasping.

"My God," Xavier gasped.

"Why didn't' I ever notice this!" Jean cried out.

I shrugged, "I'm just more observant."

"Peter, I don't think you understand what you just did. Logan here...I mean, James here has amnesia, he has no idea who he was and now..." Xavier trialed off.

"And now I do," Logan turned the pages trying to find more information about himself but failing too, "dammit! This thing is useless!"

"Calm down Logan, this in itself is a huge step forward, we'll find more, now that we actually know where to start," Xavier assured him.

"I guess," Logan threw the book to me, "tell Rogers I want to talk to him," he growled before slowly looking gloomy, "and kid...thanks."

I blinked, "'re welcome?" I must have been an oscar worthy performance because they totally bought it.

Soon the girls and I were back in my car driving home. This time Felicia was in the front with MJ and Liz asleep in the back. We didn't really talk much, though my head was filled with thoughts and ideas.

There's been something I've been avoiding for sometime now, ever since Ben mentioned my dad had a storage space Downtown where he kept this car along with his other stuff...well, I've been curious. Just what was in there? Could it give me a clue as to what Richard did to Peter's book?

Whatever it is, it's time I take a look into that storage space. But something inside me told me that this would be the start of something, really, really dangerous. Sigh, fucking comicbooks.

Chapter 163




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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