Chapter 148

"I...I'm getting better," Tny admitted, "I'm tinkering with a lot of new ideas, it helps me think."

"Good," I nodded, "if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Aren't I supposed the mature adult?"

I laughed, "yeah, sure."

"So, how's your summer been?" Tony asked.

"No bad. Fought an alien army, so that's pretty cool. Oh, I also got my dad's old car. It's a piece of junk, but I managed to make something off it."

Tony nodded, "nice. My dad never used to give me anything, it's rare fatherly love."

"You never used to get gifts?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Birthday or otherwise," Tony shrugged, "he always said I needed to earn them, not just received them."

"Sounds like a complicated man," I whispered.

"He's kind of a dick."

"I think mine was worse," I chuckled.

"How so?"

"He…." I looked at Tony, I knew a lot of things about this man, but one thing I knew for sure was that he was loyal to a fault. He wouldn't betray those he cared about and I would like to think I was one of them. So I sighed and spoke, "my powers came to be because he experimented on me as a baby."

Tony's eyes narrowed dangerously, "what?"

"He was a genius, his work revolves around the super soldier serum Cap was experimented on. I don't know the details, but he experimented on my blood, making it...more. I don't know what he did to me, but I do know I'm this way because of him."

"Fuck," Tony spat out looking enraged, he looked at me and slowly rage gave way to pity, "Peter I'm sorry that...that this happened to you."

I shrugged, "neah, don't worry about it. It's because of him I ended up a superhero. Figured he did something good."

"He experimented on his own child-"

"-I'm assuming," I cut in, "I….I don't know for sure."

Tony looked at me before sighing, "well...then find out."

I looked at him, "I..." I sighed and nodded, "yeah, I think I should." I owe Peter that much. He would want to know the truth. I opened my helmet revealing my face to Tony, "could you help me out?"

Tony raised an eyebrow, "what do you need?"

"I did research a little about him in the Baxter building with Sue Storm, but we haven't managed to figure what he did after college. He graduated, got a doctorate, but other than that, nothing. Absolutely nothing. No record of him anywhere. I was thinking maybe if you had the time-"

"Hack into SHIELD and use their resource to find out about your dad without alerting Fury or anyone else? Sure," Tony grinned.

I thanked Tony and wished him a goodnight. The next day I woke up bright and early and drove downtown with Ben in the DeLorean. We arrived at a field of storage containers, each with a number painted onto the sheds in bright orange.

I parked the car and we walked into the field. I looked around, not many cameras in here, just a few around the corners.

"So which one was it?" I asked Ben.

"342," Ben pointed down the rows of containers, "right there."

We stopped in front of storage number 342, it looked like the average container, big metal lock, rusted shutters. Ben kneeled down and quickly unlocked it, lifting the shutters open revealing what I can only describe as a mess.

It looked like a hoarder's wet dream. So many pieces of junk gathered in one place. There were clothes, male and female, computer parts, vials of experiments, mountains upon mountains of papers, pictures, furniture and what looked like a kid's cot.

"After they died I had their stuff moved into his storage space," Ben told me as he walked up to the small cot, "this was yours, when you were just a kid."

I nodded as I looked around, the books were all extremely advanced, something Reed would read for a bit of light reading. Mostly genetics, but a little of quantum physics was mixed in there as well.

I looked to the computers. They were all broken into pieces, but I found their hard drives intact and I think I could probably still use these.

I put them away and then began looking through the various books and papers lying about. Ben just left me too it, walking outside to take a call. I worked through all the documents until I found the ones that dated around the time Rochard's started college.

I gathered them all up, even a few books that I thought would be useful and walked outside. I found Ben looking at a photo album, peering over his shoulder I spotted a tiny Peter Parker being held by his parents.

"They didn't want to go," Ben admitted looking teary eyed, "they hated the idea of leaving. Mary was sure something bad was going to happen. Richard didn't believe her but….I guess she was right."

I looked at the picture, the man didn't look like a mad scientist out to create a monster. He looked like a loving husband and a caring father. He wasn't the man who made monsters. And I had to prove his innocence.

"I'm done uncle Ben, we can go," I told him.

"Right," Ben shut the album and handed it to me, "we can show this to your aunt, she would love to see it."

I nodded in agreement. Ben locked he shutter door behind us and I drove us back home. Once there I locked myself inside my basement lab and began working on hooking up Richard's hard drive into my computer.

Chapter 165




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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