Chapter 151

"And that's what I'm worried about," Ben grumbled, "trouble follows that man like a magnet-"

"-And I'm sure Peter will duck and hide when it gets dangerous, won't you honey?" Felicia winked.

"Yes sweetie, I promise," I smiled.

"I still don't understand how you got to meet the Tony Stark," Ben said looking over at Tony who was waiting for me by his private jet stairs.

"I told you, he's a friend of Sue's, I asked her for a favour," I shrugged, "relax uncle Ben, I promise I'll be fine."

Ben sighed, "alright, if you're sure." He gave me a hug, "just stay safe, okay slugger?"

I stepped back and nodded, "promise."

"Good, now, I'll leave you two alone," Ben winked at me and walked away and into his car.

I turned to Felicia, "I think May's convinced him to get a wedding place fixed."

Felicia shrugged, "yeah, I figured," she looked at me with narrowed eyes, "what's this about Tiger? And don't give me that bullshit about it being a factory visit, I ain't that stupid."

I smirked, "I wasn't going to lie to you Kitten," I sighed, "it''s personal."

"I'm your fucking girlfriend, I handle personal," she hissed.

"I know," I nodded, "I promise, when I get back I'll tell you everything. But I need to do this first, and I need to do it alone," I meet her stare and eventually she backed down with a sigh.

"Fine, but I swear to God, next time you're taking me with you," she hissed, "and you're buying me shoes from Italy, got that? And not the cheap ones, I mean really expensive black ones."

I smirked, "promise," I wrapped my arms around her hips and pulled her in for a kiss. She hummed into our mouths and slowly pulled away, "I'll be home soon."

"Go get 'em Tiger," Felicia smiled. I chuckled, she has no idea how much she sounds like MJ right now.

I see her get into Ben's car and the two of them drive away. I quickly walk into Tony's jet and sat down next to him.

"Questions?" he asked sipping from a glass of whiskey.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," I shrugged as slowly the plane's doors shut and they began to get ready to take off, "just wanted to know why I was going."

"You know you never did tell me why you wanted this," Tony lifted an eyebrow.

"You're right, I didn't," I shrugged, remaining silent to the unasked question.

"You know, I could turn this plane around," he threatened, "all I would have to do is tell the pilot and we won't budge an inch. You'll just have to find another way there, maybe Thor can give you a lift or maybe-"

"My dad and mom worked on the super soldier serum," I cut in, there was no point in not telling him. He would be so annoying for the rest of the trip if I didn't.

"I'm sorry? Aren't they a little...young?"

"Not the original one, I mean they worked on recreating the serum, and," I sighed, "I think they succeeded."

Tony looked at my arms, "is that what he put into you?"

I nodded, "a version of it, I think. But something was wrong, the people they worked for weren't good people. My parents were afraid of them, so they went into hiding, and they died."

Tony looked at his drink and swirled the amber liquid around, "and this includes our trip to Italy how?"

"The head researcher, Herbert Wyndham, they thought he was after them. He's in Italy."

"Well then, let's go find him," Tony smiled.



"No, this is personal, Tony Stark can't be seen with Wyndham, he's too important to spook away. I'll do it, myself."

"In red and black?"

"No, I think a ski mask will work just as well. No one needs to know I'm there."

"So you needed my jet to make sure there's no record of you entering the country, right?" Tony asked. I nodded, he smiled, "always wanted to be a international human trafficker."

We arrived in Italy in ten hours. Tony managed to sneak me out through airport security and we ended up driving to the university that Windham was scheduled to lecture at.

The streets of Rome were amazing, so beautiful and full of life. There were people everywhere, street artists, musicians and of course, cute girls in short skirts. Sigh, nice.

Tony dropped me off before deciding to actually do something useful and check out his factory in Italy. I told him I would call if I needed help.

I walked into the campus and cautiously looked around, people there were older, much older than me, but thanks to my height I don't think people would think I didn't belong.

I managed to sneak into the lecture hall where Windham was to give his speech, and just as I sat down near the back, away from the students, he walked in.

His speech was in Italian, obviously. I had difficulty following it, but I did, good thing I actually picked up some Italian huh?

His lecture was ingenius to say the least. Honestly, this guy could give Sue a run for her money, but then again he is like sixty years older than her. I would like the guy too, if I didn't think he had something to do with Peter's parent's death.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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