Chapter 154: Attack on HYDRA

"So, what did you find?" Tony asked the moment I walked in.

I held up the flash drive, "let's find out." Tony motioned to his work station. I found a port on the side of the table and put the drive in. Immediately the screen began to display the files.

Tony quickly took hold, searching through the files. He looked focused, like really focused. I watched as he scanned through the files quicker than I ever could before suddenly stopping on one file.

He took a step back, "what's subject-D?"

I sighed, "fuck me."

"You know?"

I nodded, "it's a program I stopped a few months ago while working an assignment for SHIELD. A couple of scientist were forced to recreate a genetic mutation, they were forced to experiment on children."

"How do you force someone do experiment on children?"

"You threaten their family and friends," I shrugged, "I managed to put an end to it, was too late. A lot of kids died before that….I don't understand though, what does a child experimentation ring in New York have to do with an old scientist in Italy?"

"If it was Wyndham, who's a top rank genetesis, then I would wager they used his principles in their experiments. From what you told me, it would be perfect," Tony began typing away at the computer before sighing, "okay, good news and bad news. What do you want first?"

"Good news?"

"Okay, I found a Ghost drive," Tony pulled up a locked folder, "it's labeled, 'Super Serum' project, but-"

"-Let me guess, the bad news is that you can't open it," I sighed, "can't you like, decode it or something?"

"Can't, it's a corrupted file," Tony pulled up the image of a jigsaw puzzle, "only half the pieces are here, the rest are missing. Only with the second half will the file even open."

"So you can't even open it because the files simply don't exist," I sighed in realisation.

Tony nodded, "exactly, but there are plenty of other files we haven't looked through yet. Want to give it a shot?"

I nodded, we spent the night looking through his notes but couldn't find anything solid linking him to the scientists I busted. It was a waste.

The next day Tony flew us back home. I thanked him profusely for helping me out, he didn't mind, after all he got to spend some time away from the lab and away from his PTSD. I tried to tell him to talk to a shirk, but I don't think he really listened to me at all.

When I came back home I found Ben and May there to greet me. I told them all about my trip, details Tony and I agreed upon beforehand, and for the most part they bought it, luckily for me. That night I went downstairs to my lab and inputted the data from Wyndham's computer, comparing his notes with Peter's parent's.

As I did so I heard my basement window slide open, I turned around and suddenly guilt filled my heart as I saw Felicia shimmy inside.

She landed before me with a smile, "hey Tiger." I smiled, I couldn't help myself. I stood up and walked up to her. "So, when did-hm?!"

Her sentence was muffled as I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her onto the basement bed, kissing her in a desperate attempt to ripe away the feeling of Jessica's tongue out of my mind.

She moaned into my kiss before slowly pushing me back, "I didn't know you missed me that much."

"Oh you have no idea," I gave her kiss on her forehead, "Italy was hell."


I sighed, guess it was time to come clean. I told her everything, about how my parent's were involved with my powers, how their experimentations somehow gave me my powers and how I went to Italy to find the man who might be responsible for their deaths.

Felicia listened silently all the while, sitting next to me, holding my hand. At the end she sighed, "I...I guess I understand why you wanted to do this alone, but Peter," she slapped my up the head, "you were planning on breaking into someone's house and you didn't even think of asking me?!"

I rubbed my head sheepishly, "sorry. But," I ran to my desk and grabbed a black cardboard box and gave it to her, "I got you a gift."

She opened it and grinned at the sight of two expensive looking black leather boots with silver lining along the side. "Okay, I guess I can forgive you." she giggled.

I smiled, but slowly I remembered the reason I felt so guilty, why I insisted on buying the most expensive pair of boots Tony could find. Why I nearly went broke buying them. Jessica Drew.

I shouldn't tell her, I know this, but lying to her isn't how one keeps a relationship stable, I know that for a fact. I took a deep breath and sighed, "Felicia, there's...something else."

Felicia looked worried, "what?"

"When I was in Wyndham's place I….I ran into this girl," I paused, "she was like me."

"Like you? What do you mean?"

I looked at her, "she had the same powers I have. She's also the one whose powers I obtained," I sent a spark out off my fingertips, showing her my blue bio-electricity.

"She has spider powers?!" Felicia looked amazed.

I nodded, "yeah. She could climb walls, fast, strong, and I think...I think she can do the pheromones thing as well, and...go a step above."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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