Chapter 156

"Yes, they did...but if HYDRA comes for the drive it's best to leave it in SHIELD's hands rather in mine, that way Ben, May, MJ and Liz won't be brought into the crossfire," I hissed, "it's a risky call, I know, but….it's the only choice I have."

"You have his phone number or something?" Felicia asked.

I nodded, "something like that."

The Next Day:

"Are you sure you you want to do this?" I asked her for what must have been the hundredth time.

"Yes Tiger, I told you, I'm your girlfriend, I'm not letting you do this alone," Cat huffed as she adjusted her goggles and costume.

"But if you come with me-"

"-What? Fury will find out who I am? Please, I don't doubt he already has some idea. After all that picture of us kissing is all over the place, heck, I saw MJ have a poster of it up on her wall. He will know it's me, or at least have some idea. So don't even think about it Mr. Spider."

I smiled, "yes ma'am." Doc continued to travel through the air. Slowly the clouds started to part and I saw the helicarrier appear before me. It looked better than the last time I saw it, though they still didn't have the retro-reflecting panels up and running, hence why they were out here in the middle of the Atlantic rather than flying over cities.

"Hello? Is the...pilot of the flying car reading this? This is a restricted area, stop now or you will be shoot down, this is your final warning," came a voice off the radio.

I sighed, I put on my helmet and turned on my communicator, "it's me, Spider-man. Clearance code: I'm a fucking Avenger, let me on board."

"Ah, right, just give me a second," the voice went off before quickly turning, "you have been given clearance to land, please use the upper strip near the entrance."

"Thanks, will do," I turned off the comms and slowly brought the car in for landing.

"This is so cool," Felicia whispered.

I smiled as I landed the car on the helicarrier and got out. Felicia followed me as we walked towards the helicarrier entrance where Clint was waiting for us with quiver in back and bow in hand.

"Hey Legolas! Nice to see you!" I grinned, waving at him.

"Spider," he rolled his eyes touching his communicator, "Fury, it's really him...yeah, I'll bring him to you."

"So how's it going?" I asked as we walked in, the air pressure immediately lighter the moment we stepped inside.

"Better, no norse Gods tried to take over my mind, so I would say it's been a good day so far," Clint looked at Cat, "so, is this a date?"

I shock my head, "sorry, this time it's strictly business."

We walked into main deck, it looked a lot better than the last time I saw it. I found Fury at the helm putting in commands into his cosel. I looked over and spotted me, "you two are supposed to be in school."

I shrugged, "are you crazy man? It's summer vacation!"

"So why aren't you in a mall with your girlfriend?"

"Something important came up, plus she's right there, so this is kind of like a date."

"No it isn't," Cat cut in.

Fury rolled his eyes, "look kid I don't have time for this, if you're going to show off for-"

"-My father worked for Hydra," I cut him off.

Fury paused, looking at me with his one good eye, "excuse me? Did you fail history kid? Because HYDRA-"

"-Is alive," I stopped him. I reached into my backpack and took out my hard drive, "my parents was working on something, before they died. I found the files, but when I tried to access them, the HYDRA logo popped up. Now correct me if I'm wrong Cat, I am horrible at remembering history, but didn't HYDRA get broken apart at the end of the second world war?"

"They did," Felicia smiled, "meaning the only way their logo got onto a file made in the last decade or so if they are still alive, or-"

"-Someone's using their name," I completed, "but either way, you need to have a look at this."

Fury looked at the drive and took it from my hands. He nodded, "you were right in bringing this to me. I promise, I won't let anyone else get their hands on it."

"Good, and fury," I turned off the voice modulator and lowered my voice to a growl, "I put in a kill virus inside that drive. If you even think of using the data inside that you'll fry your entire system and that drive."

"Really?" he raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Yes," I growled back, "don't test me."

He chuckled, "don't' worry, I won't," he handed the drive off to a lab tech and turned to me, "is there anything else?"

"No," I moved back activating the voice changer, "I'll see you at the next Avengers team up or something."

Fury rolled his eyes, before landing on Felicia's costume, "is that the suit I gave you?"

I nodded, "yup."

"You took military hardware and gave it to a thief?" Fury asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Cap's a virgin, Tony's crazy, Nat's a killer, Clint's only trick is with a bow and arrow-"

"-Hey!" he protested.

"-And the Hulk can't raise his blood pressure, meaning no sex. We all aren't perfect," I walked away with Felicia smirking by my side.

"And what about you?" Fury asked.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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