Chapter 169

Chapter 186

"What are these things Wyndham!?" Steve cried out, I looked around, he had to be here, there was no other place for him to hide, no doors, nothing.

"Clones, of you dear captain...I could even go far as to say they are your children," came the evil voice.

"What?" Cap's voice was reduced to a few pitches I felt fear just listening to it, the rage, the utter anger.

"These were my very first attempts to recreate the serum, clones, plain and simple. But you see, they were...defective. Your DNA is very hard to replicate with the few tissue samples we had."

"That's impossible, I never gave any samples," Steve called out. He motioned to us, signing us to move around. I nodded as I jumped into the ceiling, melting into the background of the dark roof.

"Jean, he has to be somewhere he, can you scan him?" Captain asked mentally.

"Yes sir, I will," Jean closed her eyes as Scott and Johnny stood around her, looking for trouble.

"Yes, you never gave any samples Captain Rogers...but Peggy Carter did," I paused at that, I could almost hear how pleased he was.

Steve's eyes went wide, "what?"

"You didn't know did you? That she was pregnant at the time? That she had your child? A child that...met with an unfortunate accident?" Wyndham laughed.

I blinked, 'this isn't right, this...this isn't part of the movie universe! Did….did I change something?'

"No," Logan gasped, clenching his fists in fury.

"What did you do Wyndham?!" Steve cried out. I moved around, I need to find this guy, now!

"He was such a beautiful child Captain," the monster continued, "he had your eyes...and her hair."

"There!" Jean cried out, pointing at a far away wall.

We all charged ahead, when suddenly all the vats started to vibrate and suddenly, the clones inside jumped out and landed before us, naked like newborns, and each mutilated in some form.

Some were missing their skin, some were missing a limb, some where hunched, one was so deformed he looked like a mutated frog.

"SCREECH!" they all yelled, I heard some of their vocal chords snap from the tension. They charged at us.

I jumped down and grabbed two, throwing them at another group, slamming them all into the ground. I then stepped back and webbed them up to the ground, "there, that should-"


"-Fuck," I hissed, jumping back just as one tried to swipe his three digit hand across my face, only to miss my five feet. They were strong, but stupid.

"These things are fucking creepy!" Johnny cried out as he lunched a fireball at one, only for it to shrug off the flames and tackle Johnny to the ground. "AHH! Get it off! Get it off!"

"I have you," Jean picked up the clone and threw him back, Johnny's eyes were wide with fear as Scott stepped up and blasted a whole bunch of them back into the wall.

"We'll handle this, you find Wyndham!" Logan to Cap and he swiped his claws across a clone's neck, spraying blood everywhere.

"We harvested what we could from your son," Wyndham continued to talk, he wanted to provoke Steve,and judging from the Avenger' face, he was succeeding.

"Shut up!" Steve cried out, throwing his shield at a speaker, destroying it easily before charging at the wall Jean pointed to.

Just then the elevator opened up and out of it poured dozens of those animal hybrids, they quickly surrounded us, helping the clones push us back. I had to jump to avoid a rhino's horn from impaling me.

We stood around in a circle, the clones and animals surrounding us. I looked at cap, he looked pissed, "got a plan cap?"

"Yes, carve a path for me, Wyndham's mine," he growled.

"Short, I like it," Johnny thrusted his hands to the side, flaming on, "ready Cyclops?"

"Say when Flameboy," Scott touched his visor.

"Hey, that's what I call him!" I chuckled.

"Ready?" Cap asked, "fire-"


We all stopped and watched a vat come toppling down, crushing the clones and hybrids, clearing a clean path out. And standing on the other side was Jessica Drew with a look of determination on her face, "your route captain."

"Okay, now that's cool," I smiled.

"Move!" Steve yelled, leading the charge with Logan following him. I jumped up, high kicking a tiger Hybrid that tried to pounce on us in the face. I landed outside the mob and stood back to back with Jessica as we punched and kicked the small army back.

"So you changed your mind?" I asked her as we kicked away one deformed clone after another.

"You were right, it's not my fault, but I can at least do something to stop it!" Jessica yelled as she threw several clones away, zapping them with her electricity.

"Cool," I grinned, "guess that makes you a superhero huh?"

"If you say so," she grinned back. Damn...she's kind of cute...I wonder is Felicia and Jean would be open too...neah, no need to be so greedy.

Jean, Scott and Johnny were clearing them out in the droves. Jean pushed them away into the walls while Scott and Johnny blasted them back with pure force and fire. I couldn't help but grin, guess I got my own team now huh?




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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