Chapter 182

" aren't my dad?" May asked.

"Strictly speaking? No. But genetically, yes," I grumbled, "how did you come here?"

"I was following a bad guy, he calls himself Spyral, he's super smart and recently he tried to blow up a city. The FF and I stopped him but...I think he might have escaped," she admitted.

I sighed, "let me guess, he wore a green armour and could fly?"

"Yup," she nodded, "did you see him?"

I nodded, "he was flying South before I lost sight of him."

"Great, now how am I supposed to get back home?!" May cred out.

"Hey relax, I'll help you out," I tapped my phone in my helmet and called out, "dial Fury, SHIELD."

The phone rang for a while before he picked up, "this better be important."

"A man with the ability to open space bridges arrived a few minutes ago. He's apparently smart enough to travel through dimensions and crazy enough to blow up a city to get what he wants. He's flying around in a bright green suit, spandex by the looks of things, think you can track him?"

"And how exactly did you come about this information?" Fury asked.

"It's a long story, I promise I'll tell you over dinner some time," I chuckled.

"Fine, I'll send any information I get to your phone, keep in touch if something happens," he said before disengaging.

I sighed, "love you too," I turned to Spider-girl, "I have SHIELD searching for him, we should have his location any moment now."

"Ah, right, sure," May nodded before fidgeting nervously at me, "how did you...well, you know..."

"How did I know your name?" I asked her.

"Well yeah," she nodded.

It's simple, because you were the first superhero I ever looked up to and admired. It's because of you I even bothered to read Peter Parker's story, it's because of you I even cared. May Day Parker was my first ever super hero, so of course I would know about you. Not that I could say that.

"Since you weren't a time traveler you obviously must be from another dimension," I replied, "and if you were that meant you were my kid from some alternate reality."

"But how did you know my name?"

I shrugged, "I always told myself if I ever had a girl I would name her May after my aunt." Which was true, I always did want to name my daughter May, but not because of aunt May, but because of you.

"Woah," came her slow reply.

I reached up to my helmet and unlatched it. I removed it showing her my face. I smiled, "hey, nice to meet you."

In response she took off her mask as well. Her face was sculpted like a models, her cheekbones high and her hair cut short and brown like mine. Her eyes however were green, bright green, ""

I chuckled, "I'm too young to be a father kid. Call me Peter," I extended my hand.

She looked at it for a moment before shaking it, "I'm May. But ah, you already knew that."

I chuckled, "guess you inherited my humor too huh? So..."

"So..." she repeated. We both looked nervous, not really sure what to do. Just then May's stomach started to grow. She looked down and blushed.

I chuckled, "you hungry?" She nodded, "great, I know this amazing hot dog place," I put on my helmet and sealed it shut, "you coming?"

May blinked before nodded and putting her mask on too. I stepped upto the edge of the roof and shot out a web line, I turned to May, "you do have web shooters right?"

May nodded, "yeah, yours," she spun out a web line as well.

"Great," I replied before jumping off the roof and swing my way across the city. I looked back and found May keeping up with me without an issue. I smiled, guess she really was a Spider.

We arrived at he place in quick time and I dropped down and walked up to the man, "Hey Sal! How to going?"

"Oh hey Spider!" Sal the owner of the hotdog stand smiled, "one dog with the works right?"

"No, make it two," I looked over my shoulder to see May walking behind me, "I got a friend over."

"Who is she, your sister?" he asked as he made the dog.

"Ah, kind off," I shrugged as I payed the man and grabbed the dog. I thanked him and gave May her food before walking up to a wall and claimed it, sitting down on the building's roof.

May did the same as she lifted the bottom half of her mask and looked at the dog, "this is...woah."

"Yeah, I know," I shrugged as I munched on it, "did your dad ever take you here?"

"No, I don't think so," May admitted.

"Hm, more proof he and I aren't the same guy then," I nodded.

May nodded, "well, yeah, obviously," she looked down at my costume, "my dad never had something so high tech."

"So wait, he just wore red and blue spandex?" I asked in fake disbelief.

"Yup," she nodded.

"Moron," I scoffed, "he's not like stupid or anything right? He made those web shooters so he must be clever, what does he do?"

"I, I don't really think I should be telling you all this," May said rubbing her neck, "won't that like, change the time stream or something?"

"No, don't worry about it," I waved her concern away, "I told you, different dimension, we aren't the same person."

"Oh, right, well dad kind of worked for the cops as a forensic scientist," May admitted, "he's pretty good. From what mom told me he became the lead officer in like five years or something. He's the department's biggest closer."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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