Chapter 187

"Well if you must know I made it during my time with Wyndham, a sort of insurance policy" Richard said with a chuckle, "stay safe son. You too May."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," May said with a smile.

"Says the girl with red and blue spandex," I snorted as I said goodbye to Richard and pulled out of the driveway. We drove down the road until we reached a secluded part of the neighborhood. I then pressed the red button, engaging flight mode, taking off into the air.

"This thing can fly?!" May cried out in awe as she looked down at the shirking roads.

"Yup," I smiled, "didn't I tell you?"


"Well, it can fly," I chuckled as I punched in the location into the nav systems.

We quickly reached the location, it was a warehouse in the hamptons. I parked the car a mile away and quickly changed into costume. Let me just tell you, having to strip to your boxer shorts in front of your daughter was super embarrassing, guess I should have done the smart thing like May and worn my costume under my civilian clothes.

We web swung over to the warehouse. I opened the sky light and we carefully snuck in, sticking to the shadows.

We crawled around the shadows for a while before we found Groom in the middle of the warehouse, his arms bare. He had removed the metal around his arm and was fixing it.

"Let's get him," May replied as she jumped off the wall and landed right before him, "it's over Spyral!"

"Wait!" I hissed before face palming myself, "great, just great, she got her mother's need for attention."

"Spider-girl! How?!" Spyral cried out, "you shouldn't be able to follow me! Not here!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, just shut up and come quietly!"

"Never!" he snapped his fingers and immediately his armour was on him once more. He sent out a blast of green energy which May jumped over before she took him on hand to hand.

I was about to step in before deciding against it. She was doing alright so far. I actually felt a little proud by the way she was moving, not a single move wasted. I smiled as I saw her clock the man across the jaw, sending him flying back into a pile of crates.

"Cool," I smiled.

"No! I will not be defeated again!" he cried out jumping back on his feet. He threw his arms open and suddenly two machine guns popped up on his shoulders. They began firing at May, sending a wave of bullets at her.

She jumped away, swinging across the warehouse. Spyral held out his right hand and brought out a small missile. He launched it at May, the girl moved quickly by ducking behind a huge mountain of crate only to have it explode, destroying her cover and sending her flying back into a wall.

"This ends now," Spyral growled as he stepped up with a ball of plasma in his hands ready to fry her.

But as he was about to fire I jumped in his way, "that's enough," I puffed out my chest as my unibeam came flying out, hitting him point black in the chest, sending the green wearing moron flying away.

"Cool," May whispered as I turned to help her up, "who made your suit? Tony Stark?"

"No," I chuckled, "actually I stole his designs."

"And he didn't care?" she asked surprised.

I shrugged, "Tony's cool with it. Now, let's finish this," I turned to Spyral's fallen form before taking out the scopolamine. We walked up to the man and found the front half of his costume ripped off. I injected him with the serum and we waited.

"Spyral?" May asked, "can you hear me?"

"Yyyy Yessss," he slurred out.

"Great, could you be a dear and take us back home?"

"Yeeesss," he replied.

"Good man," I told him, picking him up and dusting him off, "oh and ah, sorry about the unibeam to the face."

"Ffff Iiii Nne," he muttered before turning away to wall and pressing a few of the buttons on his belt, guess that's what he used to travel here.

As he worked I pulled out a cable from my gauntlets and inserted it into a USB port on his belt. My online computer automatically began hacking into his system's finding out how the system worked, hopefully I can copy the tech later.

"What are you doing?" May asked looking over my shoulder.

"I'm hacking into his belt, trying to figure out how his tech works," I told her.


I shrugged, "I just want to know how it works, that's all. Scientific curiosity."

"Oh, right, never been much of a science person myself," she said nervously.

I chuckled, "yeah, you're more like your mother in that regard," I flicked her forehead.

"Hey! What's that for?"

"For jumping in front of the enemy like an idiot instead of actually taking him out," I snorted, "I swear, when you get back you better make your father teach you his tricks, no daughter of mine is going to be out there saving the world like a rookie!"

May chuckled, she was about to say something when suddenly a giant green portal materialized before us. We looked at it before turning to each other. May took off her mask and smiled, "I ah...I guess this is it huh?"

I nodded, removing my own mask, "yeah….it was great seeing you."

"You too...thanks Peter," she moved in for a hug, holding me tightly.

I stiffened for a second before relaxing and slowly hugging her back feeling for the first time I actually had someone out there who shared my blood. May, Ben, Richard, they all loved Peter, they saw me as Peter. But her? She saw me as dad.

"Stay safe kiddo, don't do anything I wouldn't do," I broke the hug looking into her eyes, "and above all, stop it with the damn spandex! At least wear some armour! Heck, if you want come back here and I'll hook you up!"

May chuckled, "yeah, sure. I promise."

I smiled, "alright May, take care" I turned to my SA and quickly typed away at it, "I'm programing this thing to self destruct after reaching your home dimension. He won't be able to use it again, so all you have to do is make sure he's somewhere he can't build another dimensional portal. Hopping dimensions is a dangerous business May, better a mad man doesn't have it."

May nodded as she slipped on her mask, "right," she webbed up Spyral's hands together and pulled him towards the portal. Before stepping in she looked at me and smiled, "bye Spiderman."

I waved at her as I slipped on my helmet, "good luck Spider-girl," she jumped in and in seconds she and the portal where gone. I couldn't help it, I felt my heart break just a little. My daughter...I need to remember to buy more condoms, I love you May but I'm way to young to be a father!

I drove back home and found Richard waiting for me by the patio. He sat there with a book in hand and a pitcher of orange juice by his side. He looked up and smiled at me as I sat down next to him.

He closed the book and turned to me, "May's not my daughter is she?"

I wanted to lie, but honestly it didn't matter at this point. I poured myself a glass of juice and sipped it, "nope."

"Who is she?"

"She's my kid from another timeline where I was born in the 50's instead of the 90's."

Richard's eyes' went wide. "She' granddaughter?" I smiled and nodded, "who's her mother?!" I chuckled but said nothing, he looked agitated but I didn't care, I never said a damn word, after all, did it really matter?




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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