Chapter 189

It took me a week to get everything ready. I rented a cabin near Montauk where I could recover in private. If this process effected me the same way as when Drew's powers came to me, then I'll be out of commision for at least two days.

I quickly spun my lies. I told May and Ben that I would be going with Sue for the weekend to a special talk on nanomachines in Germany. It took some convincing but they agreed. To Richard, Sue, Johnny and everyone else who knew my secret identity, I told them that SHIELD had me on a mission. They didn't ask after that.

And finally to SHIELD, I told them the truth. I needed a ucking vacation, Nat seemed suspcious at first, but after a while she seemed to accept it.

I'm guessing she found out about the cabin I booked for the weekend and decided I was telling the truth. She did warn me not to cheat on Felicia, she thought I was going to hook up with some other chick in the cabin. I promised her if I was ever going to cheat with anyone, Nat would be the first one I would ask. She did not like that.

Finally, everything was ready, I had the irradiated gas prepared and in a metal box. I drove up to Montauk on Friday and waited until nightfall to begin. I made sure everything was ready before I took out a gas mask connected to the cannister of gas and turned it on.

I breathed in the fumes quickly before it quickly got empty. I put the gas away and lied down on my bed. I felt the sweats coming on, I could feel it slowly creep out. I turned on the AC and reacthed for a bottle of water I had prepared beforehand. Soon I was out like a light.

The next day:

I woke up half expecting myself to have grown two extra arms. Don't ask me why, it was just a nasty dream I had in my mind. I looked down, no visible changes, haven't begun to grow fur or anything else...yet.

I threw off the sheets, they were covered with my sweat. I blinked, the I opened my bag and took out a geiger counter, something I brought just in case. I placed the counter over the sheets and found mild amounts of radiation, strange, I never sweated radiation before.

It must be a result of the gas. Yes, that makes sense, any radiation my body couldn't absorb it expunged. Meaning my sweat right now is covered with radiation, I need to get rid of it, and fast.

I took off the sheets and my clothes throwing them into the tub in the cabin. Plugging the drain I filled the tub with water and began scrubbing off all the sweat and dirt.

Soon the sheets and clothes were clean, I dried them off separately and found the radiation down to manageable levels, now all I had to do was fill the radiation infused water in smaller water bottles and trash bags and I was done. I would put these things in a landfill later, there was one a few miles away from the city, should be perfect.

After that I gave myself a nice long shower. There wasn't any radiation on me, so I wouldn't need to drain this water separately as well, so I just relaxed into the tub and sighed in relief, I didn't die, joy.

I got out of the tub and drained away the water. I put a towel around my hip and looked at myself in the mirror, wiping away the mist that had formed on its surface.

My face looked back at me, I didn't look any different, I had searched my body for any physical changes but none stood out to me. I looked at my hands, they felt heavy, like they were made out of lead, I don't know….maybe I had to wait before I could see any results?

I looked at myself once again and for a moment I saw a flash of blue in the brown of my eyes, the exact same shade I saw Magneto had. But it didn't stay, it was almost like the colour was active only for a second before vanishing. Strange.

I sighed, I needed to figure out what Magneto's genes did to me, lucky for me I had two days to just that.

I quickly got dressed and sat down before the small lab I set up in the living room of the cabin. I took out a sample of my blood and put it under the microscope I had taken from the Baxter building. I found the sample to be identical to the test sample I took in the lab. Good, no surprises so far.

But...wait...what is...oh shit.

My cells were reforming, but that can't happen unless...the radiation, it's hurting them. I couldn't believe it, did something go wrong? Was forcing additional powers into my body pushing back on Richard and Mary Parker's original formula in some way?

I began running some test and to my surprise I found that something had changed.

I seemed project Mutant Spider isn't going to make me a power hungry monster like Parasite from the Superman comics. Because if I'm reading this right, it seems that the puncturing and addition of powers is causing harm to my cells.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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