Chapter 196: Down Came the Rain

I made sure to stay in the shadows when Matt dropped the boy off at the nearest police stations. Once that was done I helped him back to his home, no matter how tough he acted I could see he was in a lot of pain.

I opened the window and let him in. He sighed as he plopped onto his couch and removed his mask, panting as he simply relaxed.

"You need a better costume," I told him.

"Maybe you can get me the number of whoever makes yours," he smiled, "I can hear the little machines you have in there. It wasn't this advanced the last time we meet."

"No, it wasn't," I told his as I sat down next to him, "I can make you a suit if you want."

"Really?" he asked.

I nodded, "if you really want one," I know according to the show some other dude is supposed to help him out with the costume, but if I can get him state of the art protection right now? I'll do it.

"I don't have much money," he admitted, "I can't pay for all the fancy tech you have. How did you get it anyway?"

"I have a day job you know."

"As what? Tony Stark?" he chuckled.

I smirked, "no, but close."

"Wait really?"

"Yup. I'm an inventor, I make cool shit and get money off the patent."

"Anything I would know?"

"Hm sorry, mostly big corporations and shit like that," I sighed, "I can make you a suit Matt, if you want me too that is."

Matt sighed before nodding, "yes, please. I would rather not end up dead in some alley somewhere if I can help it."

I smiled, "fine. And you sure you don't want any tech in it?"

"Just make sure I didn't die because of a stab wound and that'll be enough," he smiled.

I nodded, "I'll bring it over as soon as I can." Maybe by the tim he finishes taking down the Kingpin the suit I give him will be useless, maybe then he can get a new one made by the guy who was supposed to make it originally.

Maybe….meh, honestly I don't mind, I could get used to making superhero's costumes. I always did spend so much time as a kid making new costumes for my favorite heroes, and they were pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

"Matt," I asked him, "why did they take a kid? And who are they for that matter?"

"They are the russian mob," Matt told me, "and they took the kid to get to me."

"Any particular reason?" I asked him.

"I'm being a pain in their ass," Matt snorted.

"Hm, you know I've been noticing lately that random acts of crime has gone down a lot since the incident, I find it odd that they suddenly made a move like this."

"Crime hasn't gone down kid, criminals just got smarter," Matt told me, "you're like a beacon, they know they can't take you, so every time you come around they hide like cockroaches from the light. It stands to reason you can't find anyone openly opposing you anymore, they are too scared."

I whistled, "damn, am I really that scary?"

"Yes," Matt nodded, "I heard about what you did, I doubt anyone would want to fight someone with the tech of Iron man, the fighting skills of Captain America and whatever spider thing you got going on there."

"Oh stop you're making me blush Matt," I chuckled before growing serious, "if what you're saying is true then crime hasn't gone down, it's just more hidden. Okay...okay I'll have to be more careful now. Thanks Matt."

He nodded, "right. Oh and if you're serious about this, know that there's a new player in town. I don't know his name, but he or she are the reason all the gangs are acting so smart lately. I was following a lead with the Russians when they decided to pull this stunt, sigh, hopefully you'll have better luck than I did."

I looked at Matt, I sighed, "his name is Wilson Fisk."

"I'm sorry?" Matt turned to me, his unfocused eyes staring at the wall over my shoulder.

"The guys name, it's Wilson Fisk, that's who you're searching for. I may not be in touch with the criminal underground, but I do keep my ear to the ground. I don't know much about him, real estate guy, big, fat but underneath all that fat was some serious muscle."

"I see," Matt nodded, "I'll try to find out more about him."

"As the masked Night man or as Matt Murdock?" I asked him walking to his window.

"Both," he replied before humming, "you know, you never did tell me your name."

"You already know it, it's Spider-man," I chuckled, leaping out of the window and swinging away.

I spent a few more hours outside patrolling, focusing around Hell's kitchen. If Fisk was in charge of things here then I need to be more careful about how I do things. Maybe it's time I go undercover. Hm, if I do that I'm going to need a cover about...Bruce Wayne?

Hehe, this is going to be good.

I went home that night later than usual, it was around 2 in the morning when I got in. I had just gotten into my PJ's and slipped into bed when my SHIELD issue phone suddenly went off.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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