Chapter 232

"This is training for people with powers Peter, you can't take this lightly," Scott warned.

"Well then it's a good thing I have a power isn't it Scott?" I said, everyone looked curious while Jean looked surprised. I waited for a moment before smiling, "I'm super handsome!"

They rolled their eyes as one. "Where did you find this guy!" Kurt asked as he laughed heartily.

"Tell you what, if you can get passed this course I'll wear a pink tutu for the rest of the week," Rouge scoffed.

I raised an eyebrow, "is that a bet?"

Rouge met my eyes and smiled, "yeah sugar, it's a bet."

"Oh you are so going to regret that," I grinned taking off my coat and throwing it away, "hey Jean, set it up for me will you?"

"Jean-" Scott warned.

Jean chuckled, "it's fine Scott, trust me," she moved to a data pad and punched in some buttons. Slowly the entire room began to reset itself and the machines went back into the wall. "Alright, the moment you start the timer begins. Whenever you're ready Peter."

"Right," I looked at the path ahead and grinned. I took off in a dash, charging headfirst into the course.

"And he's out," Rouge said with a smirk as the ground below my feet rose up to form a barricade.

"No yet Tutu!" I yelled as I leaped over the hurdle and jumped on the wall, kicking away and over a laser beam that I remembered seeing hidden away. I then ducked under giant buzz saw, leaped over another hurdle and rolled under a giant mallet.

"Woah," I heard Kathy say.

"You haven't seen nothing yet buckos!" I yelled as I leaped over a set of mechanical pincer arms that tried to catch me. I landed on a roll and moved to keep running when suddenly a metallic pole shot out of the wall coming at my head.

My spider senses warned me before that even happened. I ducked with an inch to spare, I then leaped over another giant metal hurdle before landing on the finish line with a bead of sweat on my brow, "what's my time?"

Jean looked at the timers, "six minute and thirty seconds, a full minute shorter than Rouge's."

"I'm not wearing a tutu!" Rouge cried out.

"But you promised!" Kurt shot back. The girl growled and walked away with Kathy running after her calling out to stop.

I sighed as I put my jacket on and turned to the others, "so what's her deal? Super emo powers?"

"Go easy on her Tiger," Jean gave me a sad smile, "she...her powers are different."

"How so?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"She can't touch anyone," Kurt explained, "if she does they die."

I knew this, but I did my best to act surprised. "Woah...that's...okay. If I could never make out ever again I'm pretty sure I would be pretty pissed off too."

Scott growled, "her conditions isn't a joke Parker! You have no idea what she's going through!"

I shrugged, "and you do I suppose?"

"Yes, I do," he spat as he walked away, leaving just Jean, Kurt and I.

Just then Evan walked in wearing his uniform and looked around. He grew confused, "ah, did I miss something? Where is everyone?"

Jean sighed, "it's fine Evan, I'll set the course. You and Kurt get another run at it."

Kurt nodded without a word as he joined Evan in the course,. I sighed as I leaned against the wall next to Jean, "I'm sorry. I was harsh there huh?"

Jean waved it away, "no it's fine. It's know they are. Still getting used to their powers. Scott's….he's protective of Rouge. She saved his life. And well….you can understand why Rouge's upset."

I sighed, "yeah, it's just humor's my defense mechanism you know. So...shit, I'll go and apologize to her."

"You don't have to-"

"-Yes, I do," I smiled at Jean, "I wouldn't be me if I didn't."

Jean looked at me in surprise before she smiled and shook her head, "nobel bastard." I smiled, leaving the Danger room and going for the elevator.

I put my duffle bag in the living room and used my sense of hearing to find Rouge. I could hear her heartbeat in the gardens. I found her scent in the air pretty quickly. I walked over and found her curled up behind a rose bush crying.

"If it's any consolation, I think you would look hot in pink," I said slowly.

She looked up, "I...I didn't mean to snap….I'm sorry."

I shrugged, "no, it's my fault," I st down next to her, "Jean told me about your powers. I get it, if I found out I could never make out ever again I would be pretty pissed off too. I'm guessing the depressed outlook on life you have is just pent up sexual frustration yeah?"

Rouge went slack jawed, "you know when people are apologizing they don't end up insulting the person more."

I shrugged, "I'm not used to saying sorry. Well...I am, but….anyway. Look, I'm sorry, I am, but honestly, this whole attitude you have is frankly sad, so I'm going to fix that right up."

Rouge wiped her eyes, doing her best to glare a hole into my head, "how?"

"I'm going to cure you!" I smiled.

She looked at me like I was crazy, "what?" Frankly, I don't blame her.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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