I shrugged, "no, not really, but something tells me I might end up married to a total babe in the future, so fingers crossed." May groaned as he put her head down in embarrassment. Yes little one, give in to the hate!
We got our orders and Brad and JJ took turns interrogating me. What am I doing here? Why did I come here? What did May and I do when we left school? I obviously never gave them a straight answer.
"And for the last time blond 1 and blonde 2, you both really have taken an uncanny interest in me. Seriously, stop it," I grumbled, finishing off the last of my waffles.
JJ narrowed his eyes, "not until-"
May and I looked at each other immediately, that sounded close, very close. I shook my head, she glared and ignored me.
"I need to go," May said leaping over Brad.
"Where are you going?" Brad asked.
"Family emergency cupcake," she called out as ran out the back.
I sighed, "dammit May," I payed for the meal before leaping over the table and following May outside. I followed her into the alley where we climbed to the dinner's roof and changed her costume.
"It looks like it's coming from a block away," I told her looking at smoke rising into the air a street away.
"Right," May took off her clothes revealing her costume underneath, "I'll go ahead, you stay here. You don't have a costume, so keep yourself hidden."
"But I-" she didn't even listen to me, instead taking off, swinging away. I saw her swinging around a building and disappear. I waited nervously for her to come back, but a few minutes past and she didn't.
I waited, and waited. I couldn't do this, not again. I told myself I wouldn't be this city's damn scapegoat again...and yet….I grew worried. May...is she alright?
Growing too restless to care I took out my tablet and transformed it into it's helmet form, dawning it and leaping across rooftops, it was slower than web swinging, but it got the job done.
I leaped across a few rooftops, I could see smoke rise up a few streets over. 'There!' I realised as I leaped onto a tall building and ran to the edge of the roof, just as a car came flying through the air, over the rooftop and landing on the street on the other side of the building.
'What the fuck?!' I thought to myself as I looked over the edge down on the street. And there I saw it. It was huge, maybe 15 feet tall. Bronze scale covered with draconian arms, legs and head. It's eyes glowed like fire and it looked...deadly.
And standing before him was May Parker, the first superhero I ever loved. The reason I grew my sense of righteousness in the first place. The woman who inspired me, and she was standing alone against this thing.
"Don't do this!" May cried out, "these people are innocent!"
"No one is innocent!" he released a powerful laser beam that exploded on the ground before May, throwing her back into a light pole. "I am the strongest!" he cried out, "all will bow before the Dragon King!"
He reached around and grabbed a car lifting it over his head and throwing i at May. the girl was slowly move, I knew she wouldn't dodge it, she was still out of it.
I didn't realise I was leaping through the air before I was already halfway into the path of the flying car.
"I got you!" I yelled out as I landed before May, grabbing her in my arms before leaping away, just in time for the car to crash behind us in an explosion.
"Who are you?!" Dragon king asked as his fiery eyes light up as blast of energy came pouring out.
"Move!" May yelled as we both leaped away from the wall. The laser beams caused the entire wall structure to collapse, the derbies falling down onto the by standing civilians.
"NO!" I cried out, charging forward.
"I got them!" May cried out as she shot out a wide range of webs, creating a net over the civilians to protect them from debris.
"Thank God," I sighed in relief before turning around to face the giant figure before me. I growled, "you bastard!"
My bone claws popped out of my hands shocking May and the Dragon King.
"You think those claws of yours can stop me?!" he yelled as he flexed his arms bringing up his own claws, "mine are bigger!"
"What the hell are those?!" May cried out, pointing at my stinger.
"Insurance," I growled, "what are his powers?"
"Ah, well, he has super strength, obviously. He's sort of like a golden dragon hulk that can shoot out fire beams."
"Does he have a healing factor?" I asked.
"Ah, I don't think it's any more than normal," Spider-girl guessed.
"Stay back and distract him, web his eyes and nose. And don't worry about me, I have super healing."
"O-okay," May called out.
"Right," I rushed forward at the Dragon King. He looked at me and growled, he raised his fists and brought them down on the road. I leaped away, jumping to a lamp post before kicking off and landing on his back, thrusting both arms into his back, piercing my stingers inside him.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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