Chapter 252

"Dad are you crazy?! Can you imagine what will happen to a social life a sixteen year old version of my dad joins up?!" May yelled before groaning, "my life doesn't make any sense."

Peter chuckled, "sorry May, but trust me, you'll get used to it. Now," he turned to me, "you need something to do yes? I don't think Ben would approve of you just sitting here lazing around."

"Hey! Why don't I follow you around? I mean we may end up with the same job, so why shouldn't I shadow you? What do you say?"

Peter sighed, "you can, but you need an education Peter, no matter what you think otherwise."

I grumbled, "you sound just like Richard."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "really? Smart man. Now, give me a few days and I'll set it up, won't be too much of a hassle."

"B-but...please! Anything but school! Come on man! Be cool!" I begged.

Peter winked, "sorry Pete, you know what we say, with great power-"

"-Comes great responsibility," MJ, May and I all groaned.

"Exactly. Now, do you have a name you go by? Something other than Peter Parker?"

I groaned, "yeah...Bruce, Bruce Wayne."

"Good. It'll be done in a few days."

May banged her head against her table, "this is a living nightmare."

I did the same, "with any luck, my time will run out and I won't have to deal with this nightmare again."

Two days later:

I'll give Peter this, it took him two days to fabricate an identity for me, working for the cops must have it's perks. Plus being a genius probably helped too.

"I hate this," May grumbled.

I sighed, "I'm not a fan of their either. I fucking hate high school!"

May blinked, "dude! Watch your mouth! I'm your daughter!"

I rolled my eyes, "put a sock in it. And besides, I have all the right to complain!"

"Why? I'm the one who has to go to school with my dad!" she hissed as we came up on the school.

"Yeah? Well I'm the one who crossed the dimensional barrier and still ended up having to go to the same boring school, which I already hate! Can you imagine? It's like you finally defeat a game boss only to realise you have to start all over again!"

May shrugged, "don't know anything about that," she sighed as we walked into the oh so familiar double doors, "listen don't...don't cause any trouble, okay? Please, just...keep a low profile."

I smirked, "well I was planning on torturing you by making fun of you before your friends but...fine, I'll be good. Promise."

May smiled, "thanks...Bruce."

I smiled, yup, I love the sound of that. "May! Girl, over here!" a young black teenager with short pixie cut hair waved at May, a bright smile on her face as she approached us, "hey, running kind of late huh? I've been looking everywhere for you girl! What's the deal?"

"Hey Dani," May smiled, "I was just showing my cousin around," she turned and motioned at me, "this is Bruce Wayne, he's my uncle's kid."

"I didn't know you had a cousin May!" Dani smiled at me, extending her hand, hey, I'm Danida Kirby, but everyone calls me Dani!"

I smirked, "Bruce Wayne. So, what dirt can I get on my dear cousin?"

"Bruce! You promised!" May hissed.

I blinked, "oh, right, almost forgot! Sorry, forget I said anything."

Dani chuckled, "funny. So how long are you going to be in town Bruce?"

"I...I not really sure," I sighed, "life's a mess, so I'm just here until everything sorts itself out you know?"

Dani nodded, "I can get that. So, since May already showed you around you know everything yeah?"

I nodded, "yup!"

"So what's your first period?"

"AP chemistry," I smiled.

"Cool! I'll walk you to class! Mine's just a few doors down anyway," Dani smiled when May suddenly pulled her aside and hissed in her ear.

"Your class is in another building!" she was quiet, but my enhanced hearing picked it up.

Dani smiled and whispered back, "I know," she winked at May before pulling me by the arm, "now come on Bruce, you can tell me all about May growing up."

I chuckled, "there isn't really much to say..."

I spent the entire day avoiding people, I wasn't going to be here for long, so as far as I was concerned I was surrounded by ghosts.

I met more of May's friend's at lunch. The two blondes with a crush on her seemed hostile, obviously. There was an asian nerd, a strong moron, a duffy looking chick, Dani and an asian cutie names Nancy, though she seemed to hate my guts the moment she saw me.

"So, you're the famous Bruce Wayne," Nancy said narrowing her eyes at me.

I blinked, "famous? How? I only just got here!"

"Yeah, but May's pretty famous around here," Dani said with a wink, "she's the star of the basketball team and...well, hot."

"You can say that again," Brad chuckled.

Immediately Nancy looked at the boy and glared. He saw her glare and immediately looked away, ashamed. Nancy turned to me, "she never mentioned you."

I shrugged, "she never mentioned you either."

Nancy growled, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means we don't talk," I smiled, "her dad and mine...didn't really get along. You can even say they came from different worlds," que an epic eye roll from May, "so May and I never got together for chats all that often."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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