Chapter 257

A week later:

"So Tracy Morgan's dating Tony?!" Dani gasped, "didn't he break up with her a month ago?!"

Nancy nodded, "they got back together."

May snorted, "if a guy broke up with me the way Tony did to Morgan I wouldn't even talk to him!"

"Well you know what they say, young love," Dani shrugged as she turned to me, "what's wrong Bruce? Are we boring you?"

I snorted, "sorry, it's just I don't know these people who you're talking about. Plus...I've never been one for gossip." Plus I'm so fucking bored!

May rolled her eyes, "yeah? And what-"

"-May!" Felicity suddenly came running up to our table. Her eyes wide in fear, she looked scared, very sacred.

May looked up, "Felicity? What's wrong?"

"I-I need to talk to you, alone," she looked at us, "please!"

"Ah, okay," May nodded as she got up and followed the blonde out of the cafeteria. I sighed, 'why did Felicia have to marry Flash of all people? Yuck!' I grumbled, I watched May and Felicity walk outside...the way she looked, scared, that bothered me.

Deciding to do something about it I got up, "where are you going?" Dani asked.

I smiled, "bathroom, be back in a second," I winked as I snuck away, following May and Felicity as they went behind the building, standing next to a garbage bin as they whispered to one another. I used my super hearing to listen in.

"...she hasn't said a word to me May! I know her! She doesn't just leave like that! Even Diana is worried!"

"Have you tried her cell?"

"No working."

"Damn it! Fine, I'll help. But...where could she be?"

"I don't know! That's what I'm be trying to tell you!"

Ok, this sounded bad. I walked around the corner, "maybe I can help with that."

"P-Bruce?" May turned to me shocked, "what are you doing here?"

"Fetching daisies," I rolled my eyes turned to Felicity, "hey Scarlet, nice to meet you officially."

"I knew it! You did know it was me!" she said looking surprised, blushing, "why did you say I was a bad kisser?!"

I raised an eyebrow, "because I don't like it when people I have never met suddenly kiss me," I turned to May, "so you knew too?"

May nodded, "yeah. Felicity she figured out my other identity," she rolled her eyes, "and then she decided the best course of action was to blackmail me."

I was taken back, "what? Why?!"

"Because I wanted to be her partner!" Felicity cheered, "but May didn't want me…."

"But, why did you even want to be a Spider in the first place?" I asked.

Felicity smirked, "because it pissed of my mom...who..." but her smile slowly fell down, a suddenly wave of sadness taking over her, "she's...damn it mom, what happened?"

May walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "he can help Felicity, I know it."

Felicity gulped, "I hope you're right," she turned to me and with worry now appearing in her eyes she spoke in a voice filled with fear, "they have my mother."

And just like that, I felt it again. That feeling that drove me to beat Magneto into the ground with my fists. To break his face in and keep going until he was dead. That hate, that anger. That was back.

"Who?" my voice went low, a low growl seeping out.

Felicity was surprised "I-I don't know. She was investigating a murder that happened a week ago. The man's wife hired my mom to find out what really happened because the police couldn't find his killer. Last night she….she didn't come home. I thought she was working late but today when I woke up she was gone… and that's why I came to May for help."

I heard my heart beat raise up, anger, pure unfiltered anger begging to be let out. And I honestly didn't want to fucking keep it in.


May and Felicity gasped and moved back as my stingers came out, blood along my knuckles.

"Holy shit!" Felicity gasped in shock, "what the hell are those?!"

I growled, "sorry," I forced them back into my fists.

May looked at me, "d-does that happen a lot?"

I growled, "only when there's somebody I want to gut," I was sure of it. These guys were going to regret being born. "We need to move, suit up," I opened my backpack revealing a red and blue costume inside.

"Isn't that my dad's costume?" May asked shocked, "why do you have that?"

I grumbled, "he said I could borrow it."

"I-it might be dangerous," Felicity said, "these guys, they might be dangerous. May has powers, it won't be safe for you Bruce."

I smirked, "relax Felicity, her powers are a family thing. I'll be fine. I promise, whoever has your mother," I growled, anger seeping into my voice, "they're dead. Now let's move!"




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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