Chapter 17 - The Morning After, Part 01

The morning was nearly done when they're both finally awake, though none of them are willing to move just yet. Their body frozen still in the same pose they take at the end of their excursion.

Quinn was lucky she rouses up faster than Ana, for it allows her to witness the softness of the woman's face, now lacking any severity of her usual expression. Her breathing was slow and comfortable as she uses Quinn's right arm as a pillow.

She had her, it was time to leave now: to prove to herself that she has no other feeling but carnal.

Yet, she can't.

Not now, when she's this near to the object of her desire, and everything they've done last night exceed all of her expectations. Seeing the kindness in her face shining still, the way their heart beat in unison, Quinn's unable to abandon her. She doesn't want to.

Instead, she pulls Ana closer, kissing her hair, catching a whiff of her sweat made sweet by the smell of incense that still lingers on her. The aroma causes her to let out a sigh of contentment.

She will take this repose, this calm, this ataraxia; she will have tomorrow to panic about everything else. For now, all that matters is the woman in her arms, slowly returning to wakefulness.

For a moment, Quinn worries that she'll draw away when she notices they cuddle still. Which is why, when she doesn't and their orbs meet. "Good morning, Ana." Quinn can't help but smile and give her a little peck on the mouth.

Ana quickly reciprocates the gesture before replying. "Is it morning?"

"It is, we're three hours after sunrise," Quinn answers, caressing Ana's cheeks. "Have you somewhere to be, Ana?" Careful to not make her eye pleading, her question a discreet means to make her stay.

Ana was silent for a long time studying Quinn's face, the way her prosthetic hand stroke her cheek before she gave a nod. "Yes." Forcing Quinn to quickly cover her dejection with a fake smile. "But I will remain for now." That turns real as Ana continues.

Quinn wishes to tease her for it, but she has no desire to challenge the woman and make her change her mind, so she simply says: "Of course, Ana." With a grin so wide that her face almost hurts.

Ana looks at that grin for a moment before gracing Quinn with one of her own. It was a precious thing, small but beautiful all the same. The most dazzling thing Quinn has ever seen, in fact, that it took her a second to realize Ana has asked her a question.

"I'm so sorry, Ana. But your smile has bewitched me so!" Quinn explains, hoping the honest praise will pay for her offense. "Do you mind repeating the question?"

"Do you enjoy last night, Ms. Quinn?"

"Please! We have seen all of each other now," Quinn whispers into her ears as she trails her finger on her spine, absentmindedly counting the port. "Just call me Quinn, would you?"

"Of course, Quinn…," she replied, tasting the name on her tongue. And judging by her expression, she liked it, and so does Quinn.

"Now! To answer your question: I do." It makes her voice light. "You're a quick learner, and more dexterous with your finger than expected." And easy as she speaks openly, no mind games or trickery up her sleeve.

"Good." Ana nods, pulling them close until her face is buried in Quinn's chest. "I'm glad." Whispering her response to them.

"So am I. Especially if you also enjoyed last night."

"I do," Ana draws away to look Quinn in the eyes with a determination of a soldier. "Though I have no point of comparison, last night was most agreeable to me."

Quinn laughs at her choice of words, but didn't use it to barb her.

Instead, she moves the conversation forward. "Great! Does that mean you will also find it most agreeable if we make this arrangement into something more regular?" Trying her luck when she knows she's supposed to stay away.

"Pardon?" Ana's brow furrows.

"You've done no wrong, Ana," Quinn teases, making the creases deeper and more severe, finally extracting another snicker from Quinn.

Before the woman can chastise her because of it. "I'm sorry!" Quinn apologizes. "You're just too stunning with that stern look of yours. I can't help it." And explains herself. "What I meant is, should our schedule allow: would you like to do this again?"

"The talk? Or the copulation?"

Quinn can't help but snort at the formality of her word. "The latter! If you don't mind, Matriarch." Causing her to play along in a weightless mockery. "The former if you do, both if I have the choice."

"I see." Ana fell deep in thought, then, but doesn't distance herself from Quinn still, something that Quinn takes as a good sign while she patiently waits for Ana to decide the fate of their relationship.

As if reading her mind. "If I agree to such a thing, would the nature of our affiliation changes?" That was the first question Ana asked when she's done considering the whole proposal.

Before Quinn can answer with a resounding yes, she cuts herself off, quickly gaining control of her emotion. She doesn't want to address this issue with her yet mind clouded by their tryst.

However, she has faced this exact problem enough time from all of her casual partners that she knew how easy it was to turn the table. "Do you want it to change?" By simply giving the same inquiry.

Unfortunately, Ana wasn't her usual partners, despite the fact that she's as charming and handsome as the others. She doesn't have their tongue, the tongue of liars and deceiver.

Hers was honest and unbending. "Yes," she answers with no hesitation, a gut punch that forces a nervous chuckle to escapes Quinn.

"I see." Still afraid of her own response. "Well! If it changes, what do you imagine it would become, Ana?"

"I don't know. Whatever it is, I simply would like to espy it." Her voice is maternal now, her orbs no longer look at Quinn but at a future not even Quinn could foresee. It made her appear sacred and holy, marking Quinn's flesh in heresy just for touching her.

Yet, she couldn't pull away; doesn't want to. The candor on display is succor to Quinn, who has lived in the shadow for so long she has forgotten how warm it was to be this close with another.

With that in mind. "How about this, Ana." Quinn revises her suggestion. "We continue our dalliances, with or without the sex!—Though I would much prefer the former—and if after two weeks none of us are tired of each other, we name it? Do you find that agreeable?"

"Yes," Ana responds. "Thank you." Awarding her another chaste kiss on the lips, one that Quinn attempts to give chase for before Ana stops her with her hand. "I have to go now, Quinn." Announcing the end of their affair that day.

"Ah! But, of course. The life of a leader never ceases to be busy," Quinn comments when they're no longer one, trying her best to hide her disappointment as she dressed herself back up alongside Ana, who dresses far more loosely for the bathhouse.

The only reason Quinn puts back on all of her clothing was because she knew how the game was played to the last detail, which includes her sneakily escaping the bedroom of her fling without anyone noticing.

And it seems, Ana understood that much, too; considering her lack of puzzlement about Quinn's actions.

The only irregular thing the woman has done: "Quinn." Was calling out to Quinn before she can exit the room. "You're always welcome in my office." Vowing companionship. "And my chamber." Alongside a repeat performance of last night events.

It took all of her effort to not jump in joy and suppress her reaction to a mere nod instead. She's not afraid that Ana will take that as an insult, for the light of her face doesn't lie, it shines brighter and far warmer than the morning sun.

That kind of warmth permeate Quinn whole being as she walks back to her own room, easily ignoring all the stares that have gone her way. She doesn't care about them, she can't; not when her mind is full of nothing but her.

She whose breaths are the gentle wind, a herald of spring.

She whose eyes are a brook that sates all thirst, deeper and kinder than the ocean; from which all water came.

She who has stolen her heart and gave it life afresh.