Chapter 19 - Love Blooms, Part 01

A fortnight passes quickly in the winter this year, and Quinn suspect it has everything to do with her company. This is the day Quinn will answer her feeling, and there's no denying it.

She loves her. The word echoes in her mind, reverberate through the empty spaces that now exist to be occupied by her very presence. Quinn doesn't even know what she sees from her, yet her she is; ready and excited to declare her allegiance to the woman she promises to murder.

Quinn understands that made her no fool, but a gaggle of them. All she needs now is a circus and an audience and she will be rich from her pathetic little performance. However, as the hour of their lunch draw nearer and nearer, it matters less and less.

She doesn't mind if she was a clown, a mere jester on the stage of life. She couldn't care about a lot of things when the prospect of having something more official with the target of her adoration is within reach.

It even almost made her forget of the promise she had already made.

Unfortunately, she doesn't manage to do so.

During this period of utter freeze, especially this far in the north; most large-scale fighting stops. No armies are stupid enough to march through the deep of snow simply to color it red.

It doesn't mean the war cease entirely; for indeed, small-scale raiding parties are still being sent out by both sides to try and hinder their opponent's ability to survive the cold.

Rather, what it signifies is that the general soldiery will have much more free time to catch up on the news before winter came. It also equates to the large presence of high-ranking personnel in a settlement or an encampment.

And while there's certainly a chance for her assignment here during such a period was nothing but a mistake, Quinn would like to never underestimated her clients. She chose to accept a job from the for a reason, after all.

Most of the time, it's because she will they can repay her in kind or tenfold in value, should she help them succeed on their endeavor then. It was the very same logic she uses when she decided to aid the crown prince, in fact.

She believes him to be no fool, and even in the unlikely scenario where she misjudges his character, he's still humble enough to surround himself with individuals who are his equal or superior in intellect and wit; listening to their counsel.

Brain exclusively wouldn't save a person, let alone a kingdom, of course. Especially not when a popular rebellion rises about it—led by its war heroes; supported by one chapter of the largest temple in the continent—so soon after the king's assassination.

It was only a matter of time until the realm fell. Unless, an action was taken. Against the veterans, yes; but also, their newfound allies. The Mutilated Hand was impossible to tamper with, for they have no leader.

The Chapter of the Holy Fire on the other hand has a leader. Not only that, their leader has become an unofficial icon of the revolution, despite the fact that most people haven't seen her face; they've heard of her deeds.

This woman that they admire, the woman backing them alongside the chapter that she commands is one that is ready to die for a near stranger. So, the propaganda needs only to ask: why wouldn't she be willing to die for you? Why wouldn't you be willing to die for her?

Quinn could hear the words echoes in her skull now, the reason her mind has been running ragged the entire two weeks are close at hand.

She's looking for someone or something else to blame for the tragedy that is about to befall her and Ana, and she has found it.

All the small and unrelated truth forces Quinn to a conclusion: the crown prince knew Ana's profile since the start. He can describe her to Quinn during their first meeting, but doesn't.

The why for that negative action is one that at the moment, Quinn was unable to answer; she's merely certain that this was the case. For if it wasn't; then the bloodshed and heartbreak that follows will surely be her fault, and she can't bear that again.

She refuses to get caught holding the knife for a third time.

With such a grim thought in mind, Quinn puts on a fake cheer and sits down on her usual position in her office when her sharp ears catch the sound of Ana's footsteps from the halls.

The moment the door opens, Quinn stands to attention, bowing deeper than normal. "Ana!" she greets, hoping the comfort she felt at seeing her are enough to overpower any leftover negative emotions.

And it looks like it does. "Quinn." Ana's oblivious to the goings-on of Quinn's brain as she takes a seat and permits Quinn to do the same; starting their fourteenth luncheon together.

Their conversation flows smoothly from one topic to another, seemingly without care. Though, Quinn can sense the tension of the air. Not out of awkwardness or some unresolved sourness from the last time they interact, but at the expectation of a confession; an answer only Quinn can grant.

She's thinking of stalling for more time, clearly. Unfortunately, Quinn will never find a better chance to reply than now. After the lunch, she has some businesses to attend to regarding this dilemma, the campaign, and her dealings outside of the north. And while they will meet again when night descends, Quinn doesn't want to give this kind of promise in her lover's chamber.

So, when their plates wiped clean of food. "Well, Ana! I believe the time of reckoning has come for the two of us." Quinn broaches the topic, hoping to quickly puts them both out of their misery.

"Yes, I suspect it has," Ana answers, instantly grasping the subject matter.

"Well, what says you?"

"You don't bore me, Quinn; and would like to see our relationship evolve and continue, should you feel the same."

The bluntness of her response still manages to strike Quinn, who already expect it. Forcing her to take her time before replying with another question. This one was out of character for her.

In a whisper soft and shy. "… would you say you love me, then?" Quinn asked.