Chapter 21 - Love Blooms, Part 03

The hand Quinn took wasn't the one offered; she took her left hand instead. That hand was marred by burn marks, as was the entirety of her left half. Quinn has seen it, has touched it, and it was the part of her she finds most joy touching.

It was coarse and harsh, but it was exactly because of it that Ana's gentleness shines even brighter on them. While Quinn doesn't know much about the way her temple does things, she knew the scars to be a sign of great kindness.

Unlike Quinn, her sacrifice was for others. She has seen all of hers, and her body was full of them. The cuts and stabs to the guts and heart are the most common, of course; but there are so many others in so many different places.

It makes Quinn wonder every time she spots it, is the woman truly that kind? Or does she consider herself lesser? If it's the former then she's a saint, if it's the latter however—"Quinn."

Her voice stops her train of thought, it was soft; barely a whisper with a reprimand of little force, and Quinn instantly knew why. Without realizing it, she has been hovering close to her, caressing every part of her body with a scar that she remembers from their many escapades.

And the moment the anger strikes her, she squeezes a bit too hard on her chest. "Apologies, Ana!" she says, promptly retreating from the woman, playing into the handsome smile again in hope of placating her.

"Consider it forgiven," she replied briskly as she straightens her clothes once more. "May I have my answer now, please?" Distracting then reminding Quinn quickly of the topic at hand.

Quinn almost obliges her a response, but she stops herself short of doing so. Instead, she teases her some more. "Ana, I really love it when you beg." Drawing herself closer to her again.

This time, Ana rebuffed her advances. "I need to go soon, Quinn. If you don't share my feeling, I wouldn't pretend it didn't hurt; but I'm more than capable of moving on with my life with a rejection."

"Ana, please—"

"So, if you would only be so kind, and answer," she cuts. Her voice is heavy and serious, and Quinn was no pushover. She understood when someone was too upset to be toyed with without them lashing out.

So, Quinn stays silent for a moment. She's thinking not because she needs any more time to think, but because she doesn't want to give such an answer here in this office, away from the world.

The woman has bared her entire heart to Quinn and she refuses to make her believe it doesn't matter, that Quinn doesn't appreciate her. Which is why, after a bit of consideration, Quinn put on a winning smile and proposes another escapade.

"I will answer you! Not now, but—"


"—Ana, listen. Please! Tonight, meet me in the first place we met, and I will give you my answer."

Ana's silence, then; deep in thought. Finally, she nods. "That's agreeable."

"Great!" Quinn rushes and hugs her before going out shouting: "I will see you, then!"

And despite Ana's best effort, she can't help but give her a small smile.

Time moves alongside them, then; as they both take care of their own side of business. Quinn doesn't know where Ana is. However, she imagines she's somewhere Quinn's not supposed to be. Not something that would usually stop her, but she also has messages to reply to and send.

If there's indeed one silver lining to the fact that both of them are growing busy as spring approaches, it's that the crown prince hasn't attempted to contact Quinn any more after their initial meeting.

That's the best result Quinn can hope for, beside the plethora of grim news from the other side of the continent. It seems that the rebellion is spiraling into an international incident, with the Mutilated Hand declaring their support; the others are forced to choose.

Whatever their choice, whoever it's they chose to side with: Quinn doesn't care. Not at the moment. She has done her best for today, tonight she shall shove away all the worries as she prepares the area for her esteemed guest.

First, so they're not surprised, she puts up some simple alarm system in the ground and among the canopy of the trees to circle the clearing, making sure there will definitely be a noise if stranger approaches.

Second, she cleans the middle of the area from snow and then light an enchanted bonfire, something that should be enough to keep her and Ana's warm through the entire night if it must be without itself being threatened by the weather.

Lastly, she places down the two chairs she borrows from the temple to the ground, the one with cushions so that their outing are reasonably comfortable for Ana.

When she's done, Quinn makes herself snug. She's sure Ana's going to be late, considering she's still in a meeting with the general when Quinn manages to sneak away from the encampment. She doesn't mind.

To Quinn, the woman is worth all the wait in the world.

Slowly, time passes in a peaceful quiet, and as most animals go to sleep; the nocturnal wake up. Quinn can hear them hunt through the night, looking for food in the dense forest that hides them from the clear dark sky above.

There, the moon shines gently onto Quinn's face, luring her to slumber in a silent lullaby.

Luckily, before she can fall. "Quinn?" The woman came.

With swiftness, "Ana!" Quinn corrects herself as she greets her, standing up to offer a hug that Ana accepts graciously.

"I apologize for the long wait, the discussion with the general became a tad heated."

"Oh?" Quinn's eyebrows rise. "He doesn't approve of our relationship?" Her tone turns light, teasing Ana with the question.

"We have no need for his approval on our relationship." Ana was quick to end the conversation with the seriousness in her voice and the frown on her face.

"Of course, of course!" Quinn relents, sitting back down to her place and offering Ana the same. Ana eyes the chair and gives a sharp disapproving look to Quinn before following suit.

For a few moments, there is only silence. Ana patiently waiting for her answer, and Quinn trying her best ignoring Ana's gaze as she drinks the night sky instead, hoping to forever remember tonight by all the beauties she sees—the most dazzling saved for last, of course.

With the praise in her skull. "Ana." Quinn begins, allowing their eyes to lock as a smile play on her lips. "Unfortunately, unlike you: I'm too sure of my feelings to be certain of my words," she says with a laugh lacking mirth.

When Ana replies in nothing but concerned frowns, Quinn stands up and walks until she's right in front of her. The entire time, the woman watches her with orbs that shine with care great and fiery.

The moment Quinn is close enough, Ana tries to reach out; obviously desperate to discover what was hidden deep beneath the heart she so magnanimously gives. Knowing the answer, Quinn catches her left hand before it reaches.

With their hand connected, she kneels to be on her eye level. And softly, she kisses her knuckles one by one, brushing her lips against them with reverence, an act of worship to the most celestial of body.

"There's nothing in the world I'd like more," she continues when she's done, her hand she holds still. "Than to be yours and for you to be mine." There's no lie, no trickery. "If you would have me, of course!" Only an honest hesitance at the end of her sentence.

Ana replies comes in a hurry as she pulls Quinn closer, apparently unwilling to wait but a moment more, just enough time for Quinn to nod and allow the kiss to happen.

It wasn't full of passion or need or want. The kiss was soft and comfortable, like a warm stew after a day's work. It was intimate and loving, and Quinn can't help but smile to the kiss.

For while she can feel the storm gathers and worsen, she knew she can weather anything with her; everything with her.

And together they will stand, until the first light comes.