Chapter 24 - Flower Trampled, Part 03

Quinn sleeps on her chest, listening to the steady beat of her heart as a lullaby. Ana doesn't stop her caress, though; refusing to let go of the woman whose face looks so afraid just a moment before.

She can see her hands shuddering in terror, her visage covered in nothing but horror as she sits atop Ana's body, chanting an incantation unfamiliar to Ana. Questions undoubtedly exist in her mind, yet she's certain she can ask them later, after she has known something more mundane about the woman.

Perhaps tomorrow, Ana promises herself before following Quinn to the land of dreams, only to find herself waking up first by anticipation, from the curiosities hanging still on the tips of her tongue.

Something she quickly swallows the instant she laid eyes to Quinn, resting peacefully in the place Ana last left her. Her expression was open and serene, the body language she displays lacking any guards or the usual thorny remarks she puts up.

It makes Ana wonder if she can truly see her like this conscious; if she can somehow give her this sense of security and comfort forever, she will be the happiest woman in the world.

As she ponders for what she needs to do in order to achieve such a thing, Quinn woke up. She starts lazily and slow until she notices Ana. Only then "Morning, Matriarch," Does she speak with a smile and a toothless tease, voice airy with bliss as she slithers up to award Ana an intimate and soft kiss.

Using everything she has to stop herself from giving chase, Ana can only say: "Good morning, Quinn." In response.

"Thank you for last night." With her effort made harder "Your touch is so very helpful to me." Through each word that Quinn uttered.

It forces her tone to be stiffer than she desires. "I am glad to be of assistance, Quinn." Far more formal than what their relationships demands.

Yet, Quinn merely smirks at the reply, before pushing herself away from Ana. "Well! Do you mind if I go out first today?" And swiftly changing the topic before a disappointed sigh can escape from Ana's mouth.

Thankful for her, Ana stays silent and allows her to continue. "I have some urgent business, and we both understand them seeing your lady friend wouldn't do you much good." And finds herself despising Quinn's tone and choice of words at her last sentence.

Sitting up. "I am open to the idea of being seen with you, Quinn," Ana replies, earnest. "I do not disdain it." And defensive, hoping Quinn will relent.

She doesn't.

Instead, Quinn decided to challenge her with a playful grin carved on her face. "But will you like it?" And a tinge of anxiety that gives Ana pause, but not for long.

The moment she gains her wit. "I will," she answers, forceful and honest, expecting another resistance.

And again, Quinn betrays her. "Next time, then, Ana." Her smile softens into something brighter. "For now: I bid you adieu!" As she sneaks away from Ana's chamber—presumably to her own—not noticing Ana's outstretched hand trying to stop her, an arm she pulls back the instant her door was closed once more.

Ana doesn't even know why she's so desperate to deter Quinn from going away. Yes, it probably has something to do with the fact that they're now more or less official. However, that doesn't exactly justify her obsession with the woman.

An infatuation that lasts long enough throughout her morning that she's sure it will drive her mad if she doesn't talk with the target of her adoration soon. Which is why, instead of having breakfast, she's wandering the ground looking for signs of Quinn.

It took her a few tries, but she finally manages to do so with plenty of time to spare for breakfast still, although Quinn wasn't alone the moment she finds her. Ana can only hope that her discussion with King is of no import and can be paused until after breakfast.

As she walks closer, though, it became clear that not only are their conversation consequential and hostile: it also involves murder. So engrossed they're in their violent debate that they didn't hear nor see Ana's coming until—"Matriarch!" Quinn greets her to stop King from answering her taunting question.

Her voice contains such a force that it puts pause to each of them, allowing Quinn to continue. "What are you doing out here in the snow? Not that I am displeased to see you, of course! Merely worried about your health is all." Deftly changing the topic at hand.

Taking note at the clear unease written on her face, Ana permitted it. "Quinn, King." Starting with a greeting to both parties that answers in kind, despite King's plainly disgruntled attitude towards Quinn's success.

"So, what are you doing here?" Quinn repeats, reminding Ana of her question as King attempt to speak.

Ana looks at the man for a moment before returning her attention to Quinn. "I would like to invite you to break your fast with me, if you would be so kind." Acknowledging her with a guarded optimism in her tone.

Fortunately, even before Quinn can reply; from the way Quinn smiles at her offer, Ana knew she has nothing to worry about. Especially not the instant Quinn shouts her answer: "Oh, Ana! It will entirely be my pleasure!"

"Good," she responds, returning her attention back to King, hesitating just a moment before she speaks again. "Would you care to join us?" Extending the same invitation to him who eyes her with an almost amused smirk.

A grin that breaks into a genuine laugh after a second pass. "Oh, Matriarch! Please! I would never get in between two young women in love." As he gave his answers in earnest. "Do enjoy your breakfast." And walking away.

"Ah, King! Always such an understanding friend," Quinn comments when King was out of earshot, causing Ana to raise her eyebrows in question. "Is that why you're fighting with him?"

"Oh, Ana. That's not a fight, we're just greeting each other passionately."

"I see."

"Mhm!" Quinn nods, clearly glad to end that topic. Then. "Now!" She offers her hand to Ana with an excited expression. "Let's go get that breakfast you so sweetly promise!" Carving an amused smile on Ana's face as she takes it.