Chapter 26 - Flower Trampled, Part 05

Ana watches Quinn's hand carefully before finally deciding to take a bite, causing Quinn's smile to widen into something far more honest and softer than what she has shown today as she speaks. "I think you're one of the most—if indeed not—the kindest and most resplendent person I ever have the pleasure to meet, Ana." In a voice kind and earnest.

She knew what the woman tries to do, she's trying to convince her that the value of her life wasn't less nor greater than any other. And she believed her. A danger to her mission and sworn purpose.

Yet, she can't find it in herself to rebuff Quinn, so she only nods; unsure of herself. Something that Quinn seems to notice and takes into account when she moves their subject to something lighter.

They talk now of the past, present, and future. Their eyes glimmering the most when the future came up, implicit in their words are promises to always be there for each other.

The kind of topic that causes hotness to her stomach as adrenaline pushes further and urges Ana to fight through the doubt just so she could be with Quinn, something that she finally listens to.

The scandals and woe that she's sure will visit them no longer cloud her mind as she takes Quinn's hand onto her own when they walk out of the kitchen together to spend their day and night without shame.

Such an openness of their relationship eventually sparked enough stirs for her colleagues and the army they're attached to to say their congratulations and warm wishes, something that sincerely fills her heart with joy.

Unfortunately, the people of equal or of superior position to her have an exact opposite reaction to the news. Each of them, including King, Adder, and the senior circle of priests and paladins under her command gave individual admonition at every opportunity they have.

Warnings that Ana has largely ignored, helped immensely by Quinn's overwhelming presence and the way her mouth can make her feel all the positive emotions she can imagine through the dexterity of her tongue alone.

A favor she wishes to return tonight when she's suddenly called to an emergency meeting by everyone that has whispered caution to her ears. She almost denied the invitation when she looks at the disappointment hidden deep beneath Quinn's verdant green eye, but decide against it.

"I won't be long," she promises before moving away.

"And I will be waiting!" Quinn replied in kind, allowing Ana some peace of mind as she walks into an assembly unplanned by her while it became clear that the people already in the room have planned for this confrontation since the beginning.

There's King, resting with an almost apologetic smile to his face; General Adder on the other side, trying his best to tone his scowl into something more neutral; and the senior staff of her entourage with definite dislike for the choices she made this far.

Though, at the very least: they have the courtesy to wait until she sits down before they admonish her. "You've been distracted from your duty this winter, Matriarch," one of the comments, clear censure on his voice.

And she can't even deny it, for it was true. But surely, the Goddess Mother of the World will understand, She is Love, after all. Ana tries to justify the action using the same reasoning she has utilized the moment she invited Quinn to her bed, failing to realize the logical conclusion of such rationale.

Seeing her silence as the admittance of guilt, another opens his mouth to continue the scolding. "We mean no disrespect, Matriarch. You've been a great asset to us and your fellow mortals, but since you met this wench—"

Ana flinch at the word, as if the insult was directed at her. It boils her usually calms blood, almost forcing her tongue to action; defending her lover before King cuts her off with an apologetic smile.

"What I—and I presume everyone else in this room meant to say, Matriarch," he began, trying to change the topic and lift some conflict away from the air. "Is that, we're worried that the woman, Quinn 'Airgid' Nathair, has approached you for motives not pure nor kind."

Ana knew, of course; but she always gives Quinn the benefit of the doubt, as she does with any other person. Which is why. "And the motive being, Mr. King?" Ana asked for clarification.

Something that King almost told her before another paladin cuts him off with a shout that will earn him reproach and vitriol in any other situation, considering he directed it straight to the Matriarch of the Temple. "She's trying to kill you, Matriarch! That has always been her plan!" Unfortunate and fortunately for everyone involved, this was no common circumstance.

His accusation has weight, even if it was fairly diminished by the amount of hate he seemingly holds for Quinn. The kind of disdain that Ana tries her best to ignore as she continues the conversation: "Do you have proof of this?"

Finally, General Adder speaks in the affirmative. "Yes, we've managed to intercept a letter addressed to her by a person we suspect to be the Crown Prince of Adelheid."

"Would you kindly show this letter to me?"

Again, he nods, passing the paper around until it ultimately reached Ana with the seals opened, but the words hidden still by the thick envelope it arrived with. Vellum, Ana notices. It makes sense they would think the missive came from the Crown Prince.

Dread climbs her spine as she slowly pulls the document out, terrified of what she will read; of the truth that awaits. And of Quinn's reaction to her distrust. The instant her crestfallen face passes in her head, Ana stops and rises, shoving the letter deep inside her pocket.

Adopting the authority that was hers. "I will consider this matter greatly," she declares. "Tomorrow." In a tone that brooks no argument as she walks away, unwilling still of letting go even as it became obvious to her that she has made the wrong decision.

A clarity that was clouded once she met her orbs with Quinn, who was standing motionless in front of the door with wild eyes and legs recoiled back, ready to spring away at a moment's notice.

Ana can guess the reason, the kinds of accusations leveled against her was one that would require lifetime incarceration at best and execution by drowning at worst. Though, it seems like that's not the only cause she's pale and cold.

 Nor is she the only one being pale and cold. Longing for her warmth, Ana approach carefully, trying her best to appear non-threatening to Quinn who watches her with distrust until they're but a hairsbreadth away from each other.

"Let's proceed back to our chamber, Quinn," she offers her hand, swallowing all questions and doubts that were soon dispelled when Quinn takes her hand with a fake cheer to her face, but a smile nonetheless.

Their walk back was quiet, the both of them deep in thought about the revelation that has been put forth against their relationship. Ana doesn't even understand why she desires the woman so, why it brings her great pleasure when she moans her name in ecstasy, or why she's disappointed to find her gone the next morning.

Last night, they've been so desperate for each other's embrace, to explore every contour of their body like a cartographer trying to accurately draw a map. Perhaps it was because they both know it will be the final time they're so vulnerable with one another.

Upon the first light, with her fragrance still lingering heavily on her chamber, Ana took out the letter given to her as proof and read the truth of her folly.

"Ms. Nathair,

It has come to our attention that you've become involved with the woman, something that we ought to congratulate you on if not for the fact that she was the target we have hired you to put to rest.

We would understand if such a dalliance is a mere trickery, a cunning play to gain her trust before you prematurely end her life. However, according to our own informants, that has not been the case.

The words they chose to describe your actions, and the way you've ignored our attempts at correspondence has unfortunately led us to no other conclusion than to the reality that not only will you fail to perform your task, but you shall do so willingly.

Considering this, you've forced our hands. With great respect, should you be unable to bury her before spring as you've vowed, we will introduce this matter to the Temple of Fate and hold you to your obligation by pure coercion."

With every sentence read, it became clear how foolishly Ana has been behaving. She has trusted a snake, allowed it to roost upon her heart, and now it's going to bring about her downfall.

She must act. Surely, she must act. Not for her safety, but because it was her duty to apprehend her. Yet, the feeling of doubt lingers. By the way the letter wrote it, it seems that Quinn was unwilling to—no! She shakes her head violently, erasing the thought and stopping the tears.

She has done enough frivolities, it's high time for her to work.

Forcing her mind to think only of the people she cares about—except Quinn—she stands, plan already in hand.

Quinn's reputation for wet work has no equal, and so shall her preparation be. She will require a few days to orchestrate her capture and eventual execution. Until the moment comes, all she needs to do was feign ignorance while instructing the others behind the scenes.

She only has to pretend to still be in love with the woman, to still enjoy her smile and laughter even as she projects her demise in the background.

Yes, it will all be nothing but a charade, she lies.