
For the following week, class one was solely dedicated to the improvement of their meditation skills.

When the month of October began, all of them had brought their skill up to at least the fourth tier, a couple of talented students had managed to bring it up to the fifth tier, and Logan had been the only one who managed to bring it to the same level as Hans's, the sixth.

"All you have to do now is meditate, meditate in your sleep, in your free time, on your toilet…

I don't care, I want you all to achieve the tiers I set for you as objectives, and when you do, I will teach all of you the way to beat the other Academies…


While speaking to his students, Hans almost resembled a military officer.


The students replied in unison.

"Good… also, don't forget, for those of you who want to grow even more quickly, the Academy's gates-clearing mission is still ongoing…

Good luck!"