
Following Emma, Hans was walking down a long flight of stairs.

Every step was covered in a little dust, but when Hans and Emma stepped on them, the dust moved aside, revealing a snow-white material… it almost seemed to be quartz.

'How did they even build this here without attracting the attention of everyone in the black market?

Maybe they built it before the black market even existed'

Almost forty steps later, they arrived in an underground room.

The light coming from above was already too far to illuminate their way, but thanks to the shape of the earth's mana around him, Hans could tell the shape of the rooms.

Apart from the stairs behind him, the only other place that wasn't filled with earth mana was in front of him.

'A room… high ceiling, about four meters, twenty-five meters wide, and about eighteen, maybe a little more, meters in length.'

Hans thought as soon as he set foot on the last step.